Here We go!!!
Well, this past weekend totally sucked. My SD came down for her visit with her dad. I stayed away from her because I didn't know what to say. She knows that what she said hurt me, but I don't know if she really cares or not. DH picked her up on the motorcycle and she was uncomfortable, so he brought her up to my work to ride home with me. That was the most awkward 45 minutes. She just looked out the window and didn't say anything to me the whole way home. Once we got home, I went out and played with the dogs some to leave her "alone" with her dad. I came in and had dinner and left to go to the cemetary for a while by myself. While I was gone, DH and SD had a long talk and aparently she is upset that we got married and spent $$ we didn't have. (like it is her business) And now we don't have that money to spend on her and do things with her! She gets all she needs from her mom and "Daddy Warbucks" (her mom's ex-boyfriend that still pays for them to go on vacations and stuff. BM must have something BIG on him!!!!) Anyway, she told DH that she wanted to apologise to me but didn't know how to do it. Well, she stayed in her room for the rest of the evening trying to figure out what to say to me. So she told Dh. At about 11:00, I couldn't stay awake anymore, so I went to bed. Saturday, SD went to grandma's house for the day while DH and I helped my brother move. We came back and had a cookout with DH family at our house, but SD did not even look at me the whole time. At the end of the evening, SD stayed at grandma's house for the evening. Sunday morning, I was still in bed when grandma brought her home, and Dh took her home early bc she had to babysit. So, long story short, we did not get a chance to try to patch things up at all! Now, this weekend is her birthday and we are leaving on Friday night and will not be home until Sunday afternoon, and I don't know how to act around her. Should I just act like nothing happened and have a good time, or should I try to talk to her and make our trip miserable? I don't know if she is sorry or if she is just telling DH she is sorry to make him feel better. This was not the first time she had made a comment about me that I heard, she is not very good at talking softly!!! I know that I can't make her like me if she doesn't, but I don't want our visits with her to be as awkward as they were this weekend, and I want to be sure that DH does not feel like he is in the middle of anything.
- goincrazy's blog
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My thought
I'm sorry I don't know your story, but given what you posted I would talk to her. Acknownledge that you both have feeling and let her know you hope that you can work through them in time. Keep it somple.
That way it takes some of the pressure off you both.
Agree ...
I agree ... take her out for ice cream and a walk at the park - a neutral location. Tell her how she hurt your feelings, that DH told you what she was feeling, and you'd like her to be able to share that with you. I know you want the apology, but maybe just let her know that you love her more than she hurt you and want to be able to move past it and enjoy the summer and the time you have together.
~ Katrina