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They need to mind their own business!!!

goincrazy's picture

Ok. SD17 moved in with us back in January. She lived in a very UNstable household with her BM and Step dad. Step dad has "explosive disorder" and lives off of the system and Bio Mom is bi-polar and lives off of the system. SD is 17 and when she moved in with us, she didn't even know what a W2 was. Well, the beginning of March, she went to visit her mom, and never came home. She called on Sunday and said that she was sick and didn't think she could make the drive home (it's 1 1/2 hr. drive). Said that she would just not go to school on Monday and that she would be home when we got home from work. Well, when we got home on Monday afternoon, some of her things were gone and we found a note from her telling us that she moved back to that hell hole her bio mom calls a home and for us not to call her b/c she would refuse to talk to us. This was March. Well here it is June, and my hubby is still very angry with her b/c she still has not tried to contact him (he has sent her letters) but she has contacted her sister, hubby's mother and brother etc. Well, hubby's mother is pushing him to call her telling him that he needs to make the first move with her that she is scared about what he is going to say to her. Oh, did I mention that this is the 2nd time she has done this? Ya, she did it when she was 15 too. So, she knew exactly what she was doing. Anyway, hubby's brother is staying with us right now, and he had a conversation with my hubby about her and said that he needed to talk to her, hubby agreed, but said that when she calls, he would talk to her and not untill then. She is 17 and has done this before, it is time for her to grow up and face the music! Well, hubby's brother called her on the phone and handed it to hubby and said "Here, you need to talk to her." WTF!!! Just because everyone else feels sorry for her and has forgiven her, doesn't mean that my hubby is ready to talk to her. He is still very angry and when he talked to her he said some things he should not have said because he was still so angry. I just feel like his family is pusing the issue and needs to but out of our business. Now, hubby's mother has said that she is going to go p/u SD this Friday so she can spend the weekend and that he needs to come over and talk to her! Hello!!!!! Am I the only one here that thinks that they need to but out and let him talk to her when he is ready, not when everyone else thinks he should be ready? Please, let me know if I am in the wrong here!


evilsm's picture

When someone tries to force what they believe on you. Pisses me off to no end when people (especially family) tells me what I should do about a given issue, that thing about getting SD on the phone and then handing it to your DH is BS! I would have handed it right back to him and said, I will talk to her when I am good and damn ready! I am sure DH's family has good intentions but he is a grown man and can make his decisions right or wrong on his own. I don't think you are wrong for being upset, I would be too. How does your DH feel about the meddling?


Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

goincrazy's picture

I know that they have good intentions, but they do this all of the time and it is really getting old. With hubby's mom, it is like she has not cut the strings or something. She is constantly telling us how to do things, and what we should say. She is the type that wants to tell you everything and does not give you a chance to get a word in to tell her to kiss off! Know what I mean? I asked him yesterday if he felt the same way I do, and he does, but he also thinks that they are just trying to help, and is just kinda letting it go. He said he doesn't even know what he is going to say to her. I keep telling him that if he is not mentally ready for this, that he does not have to go, but he is going to go anyway! I am trying to stay away from them, because if I go, I will blow up and then everyone will hate me, so I am just going to spend the day with my mom.

evilsm's picture

I would do the same, no need for you to get involved in the drama. I know that I get pretty pissed when my oldest SD (married w/children) gets involved with what DH is doing with younger SD11. (like he doesn't know how to raise a kid huh?)She has an her opinions about things and it has gotten under my skin a number of times, she has stopped doing it around me so much because I have made made comments but I am sure she still "gives advice" to DH when I am not around. I pretty much stay out of everything these days, makes my life much more easy going. I am not a drama queen and hate being around all the BS. Hope you enjoy your visit with your mom and things calm down for you guys.


Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

happy mom's picture

I agree with you...none of their business at all. Your husband should explain that to his family otherwise it will continue in the future.

-happy mom

goincrazy's picture

Now I am really ticked. On Sunday, other SD bio mom went and picked up SD17 so she could stay with SD14 this week (summer break). That is all fine and dandy, but when hubby goes and picks up SD14 on Friday for the weekend, guess who else he is picking up? He is upset about it, but doesn't want to say anything. SD14 didn't even tell him that she was there, he had to ask her. Then he asked her when she was going to tell him and she said, "well you never asked". OMG!!!!!! Why is he letting everyone step all over him. I just don't get it!!!