Any Skids get summer jobs?
Just wondering if any of our skids actually got summer jobs this year?? SD supposedly got a job at McDonald's her BM knows someone who is a manager there. She went in for an interview, went back for a 2nd interview the next day and "got the job" according to her. Now it is three weeks later and she is still waiting to hear when her orientation is. I don't believe for a second she got the job I think it was just a way to get SO off her ass. He has been hounding her for months to look for a job.
He finally told her she was not going to stay home an lounge around while she was with us during the summer (week on week off schedule) that if she didn't get a job she was going to help out her grandma every day. Well guess who "got a job" that she hasn't worked one day at :? :? Funny thing is he still made her go to her grandma's because grandma would be running her to and from work if she actually worked since SO and I can't leave our jobs and her BM won't do it.
But SO refuses to believe that SD could have fabricated this whole thing. He will even tell people she has a summer job at McDonald's :? , I just let it go. But it is starting to piss me off that he is so gullible. He believes every word out of her mouth and she lies to him all the time. Oh well we have about two months left before she starts school again. I have a running bet with myself LOL that she will never be gainfully employed by McDonald's
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A job?! SS13 isn't even
A job?! SS13 isn't even expected to take the recycles out more than twice per day. A job...good one!!
So true I guess I should be
Yeah, this is what my
Yeah, this is what my reaction is too!
SD12 is perfectly capable of babysitting and doing little things here and there but damned if she's going to work because "it's too boring" or "I don't feel like it" or "that's stupid." And DP and BM let her get away with it.
Jobs are a little tricky with
Jobs are a little tricky with Skids. I mean, if their parents don't live in the same place, then it becomes difficult for an employer to work around a week on week off schedule. Most employers would prefer to have someone they can schedule more easily. Also, there are age related issues. Kids have to be old enough depending on local laws to actually have jobs.
Then there is the issue of transportation to and from a job when all the adults work.
It can be tough to get it all coordinated.
That being said, both my SD's had at least PT jobs when they were 16/17 and beyond. Younger than that they were expected to do chores and help with things around the house.
No summer job for our skid.
No summer job for our skid. Still too young to get a working permit in the state I'm in, though he was supposed to help out in a charitable institution (which is allowed at his age), but this is not a regular thing and he needs to be driven there. For me, summer job would mean he gets there under his own power.
Right now SS15 is a passive consumer of media and entertainment. I'm not sure how he's going to do in the working world. But for sure, as soon as I can get him out of the house, he's going.
On the other hand, it's great to make these assertive statements, but this kid is hostile and it really is going to depend on whether DW makes him get a job, and she is not good at making him anything but his food.
SD16 works at Chic Fil A.
SD16 works at Chic Fil A. SD13 is going to start babysitting and she runs errands for people in the neighborhood like dog walking, house sitting check ups, watering plants etc
Nope, apparently 5 is too
Nope, apparently 5 is too young for a job
I earned money for a Timex
I earned money for a Timex watch when I was 5. I did chores and stuff for my parents and neighbors to earn the money. I'm sure a lot of it was charity tasks though.
My SD does have chores, and
My SD does have chores, and if theres something she wants we give her a bit of money for doing them.
Bahahahaha Nope. No summer
Nope. No summer jobs here.
I can't believe your DH is telling everyone about her "job". Maybe he needs to tell her to CALL THEM and ask when she starts! And who TF ever had a "second interview" for MCDONALD's? They pretty much hire anyone who walks in off the street and isn't drunk!
Tell me about it!!!! I know
Tell me about it!!!! I know this is all Bullshit to keep her daddy happy :sick: This kid wants to be taken care of for the rest of her freaking life.
Well, ASS got a job bagging
Well, ASS got a job bagging groceries. Actually, HE didn't get the job, his friend Frank - who works at the grocery, got him the job. Yep - ASS is too lazy to even find his own job.
He has journaled that it's a miserable minimum wage job and that maybe he should "just go to college" but he can't really do that because then DH and I "would know that" we "we right."
I dgaf since he no longer lives in my house.
SS16 was so excited to turn
SS16 was so excited to turn 16 and get a job. It's been over a month. He needs to get one.... soon....
SD21 in college lives with us
SD21 in college lives with us full time goes to a local college took summer classes and they just ended. she didn't get a job, but she is volunteering somewhere. you cant get her to pick up her dirty socks out of the living room or throw away and banana peel or her used dental floss.
My SD is 25. Still doesn't
My SD is 25. Still doesn't have a job. Probably never will.
SD16 has a summer job and has
SD16 has a summer job and has had it for two years. The reason is because DH told her back then that she may refuse to go to summer camp, but she wasn't going to be hanging around the house doing nothing. I suggested that she try to get a mother's helper job during the summer, but she landed a "real" job with a W2 and all. A lot of it has to do with luck and our persistence though. DH drove her to job fairs and when she got her first job, he drove her there and back, even though she was only working 2 to 3 hours a shift. Plus, it ended up being an evening job, so she still sat at home all day doing nothing. After that, she got a call for a summer job that was walking distance from our house. She didn't want it, but DH pretty much forced her to take it and told her that if she waited for a different job she was going to have to figure out the bus system. The job works out really well - they don't schedule her too often because of her erratic schedule between DH and BM (plus, she likes that because she is lazy and I don't think she really wants to work), but they keep her on, probably because of the fact that she is so close and responsible for a teen. If they need extra help and she happens to be free and around, then she can be there in less than 15 minutes.