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frustratedstepdad's Blog

SD21 Has To Go!!!!

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Some of you who have followed my blog know that our house is occupied with my bratty and spoiled SD21 and her 2.5 yr old son. Some of you know that she was involved in 2 wrecks in less than 5 months with my wife's car. The first one she got rear ended, (I am now finding out that she slammed on the brakes on PURPOSE to piss the driver off) and the 2nd accident the car was completely totaled as she purposely cut somebody off on the highway, and she ended up in the hospital three days.

I finally broke down

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So yesterday I get a text from my wife asking if I could watch my SD21's son since she has a dr's appointment. Now I've NEVER had a problem watching him if she has an appointment to go to, so I said sure. Come to find out it wasn't really a dr's appointment, but it was the first procedure in a 6-step process of getting her stretchmarks removed. The idiot she is dating was stupid enough to pay about $2500 for her to get this done, so her first procedure was last night.

Lazy as Hell

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My SD21 is so damn lazy it drives me up a wall. She lives here rent-free, drives my wife's car all over God's green earth with no respect to how much it costs us for the payments. I don't remember the last time her lazy ass has washed dishes. We left for the weekend and when we came back, all of the glasses were dirty. Instead of washing them, she starting using the wine glasses. How pathetic can you be??? My wife has said to let her handle things with SD21, but I'm finding it hard to bite my tongue.

DW is finally starting to get it

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So we got a new car for the wife about 3 weeks ago. I told her before we got it that if she was going to allow SD21 to drive around in it like she did the last car (over 25,000 miles in just 9 months) then there is no point in getting a brand new car, we should just get a used one. She swore up and down that won't be the case. But of course I should have known better.

Putting our marriage first

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So my wife in discussing the latest antics of my SD (taking the rap for somebody else and saying it was her weed) asked me to trust her and let her deal with my SD and I can just focus on other things so I'm not stressed out all the time. The problem is that the SD living with us is the youngest and has always been babied. Mom has always been there to help get her out of whatever mess she was in. Since we've been together, we have done more for my youngest SD than we have for the other 3 combined.

Stepdaughter is a dummy

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So last night, I found out that about a month ago she was in somebody's car smoking weed when the car was pulled over for a busted headlight. The guy driving the car begged her to tell the cop it was her weed because he was afraid of losing some scholarship at school. So my dumb ass SD told the cop it was all hers. Now she is finding out that there is a $1000 fine and even if you just pay the fine, they still take away your license. The guy who she took the rap for was supposed to give her the money for the fine, but he up and moved to another state.

She's sorry...for the millionth time.

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So last time my youngest SD lived with us, we kicked her out because one day I came home early for work and caught her and another SD in our backyard smoking weed while their kids were home. This was already her 4th chance. Before that she moved out, and we made her sign a contract to move back home. So now we are on to her 5th chance.

Thank God I found this site

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I am really thankful for finding this site. I have been a stepfather for four years to four adult women (ages from 26 - 21) and have been at my wits end for all four years. To further compound issues, we are an interracial couple where I am an African-American and my wife and stepdaughters are Caucasian.
