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Putting our marriage first

frustratedstepdad's picture

So my wife in discussing the latest antics of my SD (taking the rap for somebody else and saying it was her weed) asked me to trust her and let her deal with my SD and I can just focus on other things so I'm not stressed out all the time. The problem is that the SD living with us is the youngest and has always been babied. Mom has always been there to help get her out of whatever mess she was in. Since we've been together, we have done more for my youngest SD than we have for the other 3 combined. She has always had my wife wrapped around her finger according to the other stepkids. I can guarantee you that if the other SD's messed up as much as this one has, she would've been kicked out. We have bent over backwards accomodating her (and her son's) wants and needs, and much to the detriment of our marriage. There was honestly a point a few months ago where I actually started wondering if our marriage was going to last.

My wife now says that she realizes that she has been neglecting me and our relationship ever since they moved in with us. She promises that she is going to show me that our marriage is no longer going to come second anymore and she is going to start putting her foot down with our SD. She wants me to trust her that she will handle things right from now on. The problem with that just sounds like more of the same to me. She has never really enforced any consequences before with the youngest SD, and according to the other SD's it's always been like this, so why should I believe that all of sudden she is going to change. There have also been times where my wife has not told me things that she finds out about the SD because of how I would've reacted. Like when she got in her car to go to work one morning it smelled like weed in the car. Maybe the thought of losing our marriage will do it, but I don't know. I want to trust her to handle things properly but....sometimes the past is a good indication of the future....


Jsmom's picture

I am sorry but you are being way too tolerant here. You are talking about an illegal drug in your home. Your wife needs to wake up. It doesn't sound like she can so you need to kick the daughter out. I understand there is a two year old. You can petition to be made a guardian of him or call his Dad, but that SD is never going to grow up and your wife is allowing her behavior and ruining the grandchild in the process.

Shame on her....This would be a dealbreaker for me. I have a SD that is not allowed in my home. DH knows I am gone if he tries to move her back in. That is my dealbreaker and trust me, I will leave. I kept my house rented out so I have a place to go, when SD tries to come back.

Your wife is placating you know. Stand strong and insist that the daughter is out of your house...

frustratedstepdad's picture

Yes I have said as much that we are putting our house at risk, and even the wife has said it. I don't know why she has such a hard time putting her foot down with this one. The ironic thing is we kicked out one of the other skids not too long ago because of weed issues. I just don't get it. What makes this situation even more difficult is she had to move in with us because her infant son was killed at the hands of her then fiance (Also the kid's father). I was understanding and supportive at first because I knew she needed a lot of emotional support, but to be honest I think she is now just taking advantage of the whole situation. I have tried to disengage as much as I can recently, but it just irks me to no end having her in my house.

karenemoy's picture

I have alot of first hand experience with skids and drug use. None of it good. Weed is just a starting point for more serious drug usage. My therpist said the #1 priority is the marriage, period end of story. There is strength in numbers and when we found out last year about my SS drug usage my SS wanted nothing more than me out of picture then he could prey on his dad to enable and take his crap. Pitted his mom and father against one another. Still does.

You need to be empathic but also the objective voice of reason. My sure SD knows that as well.
Dont take any of this!

Most Evil's picture

OMG I would kill if my car smelled like pot when I had to get in it to go to work - I have zero patience with stoners period!! SD has got to go, it could endanger your job also if you smell like that just trying to get to work yourself-!!

I am sure your wife means well but I think you will have to put your foot down on this, it is too risky for all of you to be exposed to drugs like that.