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How to Cope

frustratedstepdad's picture

I will apologize at the onset as this will be a very long post.

I am 34 years old and my wife is 43. We've been married almost four years, and we've been living together for about five years. I have four adult Skids ages 26, 24, 23, and 21. I have no kids of my own. Even though my wife had kids, I felt like it was the ideal relationship since her kids were older, self sufficient and only one was living with her at the least this is what I was led to believe. Boy was I wrong. Since I have been living out here with here, we have had maybe a total of 7 months of living alone, as all of the skids have moved back in at some point during our relationship. When it's just me and my wife at home, it is truly a beautiful thing. Our utility bills are much lower, we have more spending money, we can walk around the house naked all we want to (LOL) etc, and we have so much time to devote to one another. Honestly, I absolutely HATE it when one of the SKIDS has to move back in because my wife then takes all of her attention and devotes it to them. This is because my wife never taught them how to be independant, and they always have to rely on her for EVERYTHING, and my wife always acts like they are not capable of figuring anything out for

So now we have had the youngest SKID (SD21) and her 2 yr old living with us for the past year. Let's rewind a bit. Back when she got pregnant at the age of 18, we allowed her and her boyfriend at the time to live with us in our 2 bedroom apt. This was a living hell for me. My wife let them use her car anytime they wanted, and they actually racked up over 25k in miles in just 9 months. My wife wasn't even driving the car anymore, it was pretty much theirs. Mind you they weren't the ones paying for the insurance or maintainence of the car. The one time I actually did ask them to go get the oil changed in the car, they looked at me like I was crazy. When the boyfriend needed gas money, or money for work clothes, or wanted to go out and have fun my wife would give it to them, of course without asking me. My wife even convinced me that if we just gave them $1200 to get their own vehicle, then they wouldn't have to use our car. Begrudgingly I agreed, with the condition that they pay us back. Only $200 of that money was paid back because my wife refused to stick to our conditions. I began to loathe the three of them (baby had been born) being in our apartment, One day I smelled weed in their closet and I found some thing called a Vaporizer that is used for smoking weed. I wanted to throw it in the trash, but my wife said that was "being mean". We confronted them about it, and the bf had the nerve to say "I know a lot of successful people who smoke weed, and it's not like we smoke it here." If not for their baby, I would've tossed them both on their asses. My wife has ALWAYS had a hard time telling SD21 no about anything. She is the baby, and she is used to being spoiled and getting her way. I felt like I had to walk on eggshells around SD21 because my wife would just go off on me if I dare try to put her in her place. I confronted my wife one time about why she is so scared of her own daughter, and she said she didn't want her daughter to just up and run off.
A week later a neighbor told us that she saw them smoking weed on our balcony one night. We were on our way to a date, so we told the SD21 we would talk about this when we got home. When we got home, they had moved out.

Fast forward to last year, SD21 now has two sons and is living with the same bf, now her fiance. Her infant son dies in the hospital, and it is actually the boyfriend who caused his death. I was in the hospital room when her infant passed away, and it was very heartbreaking to watch. So after this, SD21 and her son moves in with us. I shuddered at the thought of SD21 living with us again, but I knew this was an argument I would not win. During the first 6 months, SD21 would curse at her son all the time and take the car whenever she wanted, with of course my wife giving her money. At one point my wife gave her over $200 in one month for just gas money. Not to mention we were also financially supporting them both. My wife agreed to limit it to $40 a week for gas, which still made me upset because I don't think you should have to give somebody gas money to borrow OUR car. After 6 months I said that it's time she gets a job, go to school, do SOMETHING. Wife refused to go along with this because she felt like it was too soon, and SD21 couldn't emotionally handle working. I made the point that SD21 has never been emotionally capable of working because she would always quit a job after 2-3 weeks, so what happened with her son had nothing to do with it. At one point, even the other skids were starting to see that she was using what happened with her son to not do anything. I said if she is emotionally stable enough to be dating (she had a new boyfriend) and to go out partying with him, then she is full capable of working. SD26 and her infant were also living with us, and the two skids would fight like cats and dogs.

So then we move into our new house with both Skids and their kids. We aren't even living there a month before my wife smelled weed in her car one day. We also discovered a weed pipe. We also discover that both SKIDS had gone somewhere one night and tried cocaine while they had the kids with them. My wife spouted off a bunch of crap about not putting up with their sh*t anymore, but we all know how that goes. A week later my wife discovered a lock box with weed pipes in our garage. Wife gave another worthless speech. I started suspecting that they were smoking weed on our back patio because the screen door would be left open everyday, and since it was a new house we didn't have a yard or anything back there yet. About a month later when the wife and I were at work, the police had to come to our house because the two skids were fighting. We kicked SD26 and her infant out. Later that week I came home early for work, and both skids were smoking weed in our backyard, with the kids in the house. SD21 tried to lie and say I was lying on her, and she wasn't gonna live with somebody who lies on her so she moved out. Three days later she called crying and begging to move back. I told my wife no, because she hasn't learned her lesson...Wife was pissed at me for not letting her move back in, saying how could I let our grandson live in the street, blah, blah, blah.
Then SD21 came up with the idea of leaving the 2 yr old with us for 2 months while she figured out a living arrangement. I told her fine, but she is to be here EVERY weekend and spend the entire weekend with her son, AND she is to give us $200 a month. Well after that first weekend she moved all her stuff back in while we were at work, and begged to move back in, saying we could give her drug tests, etc. Once again I knew this was not an argument I would win, so I relented.

I told my wife a few months ago that I was willing to give SD21 two more years to get her own place. My wife hit the roof and cursed me out, saying how dare I try to put a time limit on what happened with the death of her son. I told her that wifes, husbands, and all kinds of people lose loved ones all the time, and I'm not saying she is to forget what happened or that she's done mourning, but she needs for her life to move forward. If nothing else for the sake of her other son. That just pissed her off even more. Mind you while she has been living with us, we have taken on the role of being a built-in babysitting service. She goes out two to three times a week leaving the kid with us. I am sick of it because my marriage has once again taken a backseat to SD21 and her grandson.

This past year our lives have completely revolved around SD21 and her needs and I am just f*cking sick of it. It feels like I don't even have a wife anymore and I am married to myself. This past weekend we had plans to go out but didn't because we were too broke. But mind you my wife sure as hell makes sure SD21 has money to do what she wants to do, and I am just beside myself. A few months I was actually taking Prozac for depression but I stopped because I realized my depression was not being caused by some chemical imbalance. A few weeks ago I begged and pleaded with my wife that I want "US" back, and I'm tired of being a built-in babysitter whenever SD21 wants to go somewhere. I am tired of feeling ignored and feeling like an outsider in my own house. I also said I want SD21 to be living on her own by the age of 24. My wife said she understood and she promised me that she would put our marriage first again, but I need to stop stressing over every lil thing SD21 does and just let her handle it. Well in my mind, just letting her handle it is what led us to this point in the first place. I said if we tell her now that she should plan to have her own place in two years, it will give her plenty of time to plan and it won't feel like we're kicking her out. Wife disagrees, and says to just let her handle it. I have this feeling that my wife won't ever say anything to her about this.

Everyday I come home, I am just disgusted looking at her. I love her 2 yr old and he is always excited to see me but sometimes I just shut myself in our room because I don't want to hear about what fun she had last night or that day while I had to work and be responsible while she gets to be a carefree spirit. I don't want to live like this anymore. I love my wife to death, but I am honestly starting to look around at some of the other women who don't have kids and wonder how happier I would be if I didn't have to put up with my dumb ass adult SKIDS. Does anybody have any suggestions? I am at my wits end, and I feel like I'm losing my mind and my marriage. I am a grown man and there some days I get so depressed thinking about the future and SD21 never leaving that I want to cry!!!

Gigi82's picture

Your wife should not be putting the children first in a situation like this. It's not okay for them to keep bringing drugs into your house. If the police show up one day because someone tips them off, guess who will have a criminal record? You will, because it's your residence! If they're smoking weed in your car and get pulled over, your car will be impounded. You need to give your wife an ultimatum, that they either get out and support themselves, or you are walking. If you don't want to kick them out, then you should make them promise to have no drugs in your home and submit to random tests like your SD even suggested when she was begging to move back in. You shouldn't be a stranger in your own home, it's not right and your step kids are grown so you don't have to put up with it.

frustratedstepdad's picture

These things were supposed to be conditions of her moving back in. My wife promised and promised that she would make SD21 get a babysitter if she wanted to go out. She promised that we could do drug testing. Promised that we would make her get her own car. We even wrote this out in a contract.

Well, I might as well wipe my ass with the contract because that's all its good for. She got a babysitter only once, the rest of the time my wife agrees to watch her son. I told my wife that I refuse to help out with him anymore when she agrees to watch him, so I refuse to give him a bath or put him to bed. I feel really guilty letting my wife be solely responsible and not helping, but it's her own fault.

I don't even bother with the drug test because I KNOW she will fail, and there will be no consequences because my wife is such a pushover. I'm just fucking sick of it because here we are struggling financially to take care of TWO families, and my wife can't seem to stop giving her gas money. I'm still pissed that we couldn't go out for my birthday but she magically finds money to give her. Luckily our anniversary trip is already paid for. I am seriously thinking of getting separate bank accounts.

mmh's picture

This is too much stress for any person. She is Spending your hard earned money on ungrateful skids that are just freeloading.
You are being taken for a big ride by this selfish woman, who has no idea how to love and respect you.
You are correct, she won't sort anything with them because she likes the attention from the skids and you are just another kid to her, except you work.
She is way out of line, and does not want to change, she's very happy with all the drama, it makes her feel alive.
You will never be her number one priority, no matter how much love you give her.
You are wasting your life here, and you deserve better. I do hope you can find someone who truly loves you and wants you to be happy.
Good Luck with all of this!

stormabruin's picture

Have you & your wife participated in any marriage counseling? It sounds like she needs to figure out how to help her adult children grow up.

If nothing else, them having weed in your home puts YOU at risk. Especially with small children there. That should concern your wife, as it it puts HER at risk as well.

It sounds like you have not completely checked out of your marriage. It sounds like you want to make things work with your wife. Perhaps it would help if there was a 3rd party letting her know it's time to cut the cord. Maybe she would accept it better from someone not directly involved.

marty's picture

I really feel for you mate! i am in a similar situation whereby my wife puts here kids before me even when they are in the wrong.
I am about at the stage you are where I am considering leaving but really dont want to, i even said to myself the other day if i have to leave this marrige i will never have relations with another woman who has kids. A third party did not help me, it doesnt matter how many people say the same things if your own word (the man who she is supposed to love) is not good enough then why would someones elses be??
The kids will always use emotional blackmail in these situations and boy does it work! what i have started doing is looking after my own interests, and by that i mean ignoring the brats, thinking about what i want and making steps so that if i am forced to go my own way i can do it without too much hassle. Dont get me wrong i love my wife to bits but sometime love is just not a good enough reason if you wake up each day feeling like crap

frustratedstepdad's picture

This is about where I'm at. I love my wife to death and haven't given SERIOUS thought to walking away, but I'll admit that I'm starting to become envious of my other married friends who don't have kids and seem to be having a great time. I have gone to counseling, my wife still does go to counseling, and we tried family counseling.

We tried family counseling because I told my wife I wasn't gonna walk on eggshells in my own house anymore because of SD21's attitude problem. Also I felt that my wife was watching the grandson WAY too much. So the counselor's idea of fixing things was for us to come up with a calendar, with all of us putting our schedules on it. I said that was bullshit because WE shouldn't have to let HER know what our plans on. She is the one with the kid, not us.

My wife's counselor even told her recently that she better start putting more focus on our marriage before the distance between us grows even further. I am honestly at the point where I hate coming home because she will be there. I normally cook dinner because I get home a few hours ahead of my wife, and now I just sit and stew as I'm cooking dinner for myself, my wife, SD21 and her kid that I have to make a separate meal for because he will only each PB&J sandwiches or chicken nuggets.

stormabruin's picture

"I am honestly at the point where I hate coming home because she will be there."
This is an ugly place to be. I have been there. I was never so relieved to be at a standstill on the interstate for 2 1/2 hours, as it meant less time I had to spend at home miserable with my ex-husband.

It sounds like it may be time to leave. Everyone deserves to feel happy in life & it seems you are far from it. Staying in a marriage feeling angry & bitter will not lead you to happiness. It will only cause the ill feelings to fester & they will continue to ooze into & poison every other part of your life.

My breaking point came to me as I sat on the interstate & it occured to me that I was glad. I felt alone, but I WAS alone. Had I been at home, I'd still have felt alone...with my husband...the man who vowed to love & cherish me sitting right next to me. There is something really wrong with that feeling. One person fighting to make things work only results in one tired-ass, angry, frustrated, person. Your wife has to be willing do her part to make your marriage work.

At 34 years old, you likely have a long life ahead of you. Forever is a loooong time to spend unhappy.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Thanks for all of your suggestions. She (wife) wants so hard for me to trust her this time around to handle things differently but I have my doubts. Of she screams the mantra that every bioparents screams, that I only look for the faults in the SKIDS instead of the good. What I truly don't get is EVERYBODY can see how she isn't doing her kids any favors. Even my MIL has warned her about letting the skids move back in and how it can ruin our marriage.

I think I will keep my mouth shut and give her till the end of August to see how things are handled. If the situation is the same and she's not in school or working fulltime, I am coming out with both guns blazing.

notsure00's picture

wow - that is exactly what FDH says to me now...that I'm looking for issues, looking for problems with his adult kids.

Really? Why would I "LOOK" for misery when it is basic human nature to strive for happiness.

Go to counseling for YOU. No matter what you decide you have to live with yourself in the end. From what I have been reading of everyone's stories, I don't want to live with the REGRET that so many are sharing they have now.

Best of luck with all this!

paul_in_utah's picture

Frustrated, you are living my nightmare scenario. I could easily see my SD17 pulling some of the crap as your skids. She has a terrible, self-centered, and mean-spirited personality, and I am terrified of the prospect of her getting pregnant.

If that ever happens, I know that she will just try to pawn the kid off on me and DW. To her credit, my DW swears up and down that she will kick SD out and make her get her own place, but I could see her caving in and agreeing to let SD and baby live with us. Or rather, I can see DW **trying** to cave in - but I will not allow that. I'm not going ot raise SD's illegitamite children (or legitamite children, for that matter, if she happens to be married).

The other scenarios that worry me are drugs and car races. SD17 has her perfect bio-daddy's "thrill-seeker" personality, and I could see her getting mixed up in drugs, or racing cars. Perfect bio-daddy used to smoke pot, and has tried cocaine, and I am fearful that the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. Not sure if he raced cars, but SD started saying that she was "ready to drive" when she was 10, and I am worried that she'll steal our car and end up killing someone while drag-racing.

I'm not going to put up with SD17 forever. She is supposed to be out of high school in a couple of years, assuming that she doesn't flunk out. Once she graduates, she will be out the door! No matter what she says or does, she will not be living with us after high school. I will invoke the "nuclear option" and sell the house before I let her live with us.

frustratedstepdad's picture

It's definitely tough Paul. If she does get pregnant...DW will likely say: "I'm not going to throw my pregnant daughter out in the street". Then when the baby is born, it will be "I'm not going to have my grandson/daughter living in the street!" There will be all kinds of excuses for not kicking them out.