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DW is finally starting to get it

frustratedstepdad's picture

So we got a new car for the wife about 3 weeks ago. I told her before we got it that if she was going to allow SD21 to drive around in it like she did the last car (over 25,000 miles in just 9 months) then there is no point in getting a brand new car, we should just get a used one. She swore up and down that won't be the case. But of course I should have known better.

Three weeks later and the car already has 1400 miles on it after this weekend. She let SD21 have the car all weekend to drive down to a city about 2 1/2 hours away to see some friends, and even gave her $40 in gas to go down and back. I was extremely pissed when I found this out because we didn't have any money to go out for my birthday the weekend before, but she always manages to make sure SD21 has money to play around with. Mind you $20 in gas will get you over 300 miles before the tank needs to be refilled.

SD21 went down there Friday and agreed to come back Sunday. We really didn't hear from her all weekend. Then Sunday night at 5:30pm, she sends the wife a text saying she didn't budget her money correctly and doesn't have enough gas to come home. So she asked if we could put some money in her bank account, and then she would come back on Monday. My wife sent her a text back that read: "What the F**K! We gave you gas money to go down and come back. You need to figure it out AND you need to be back TONIGHT!" My wife was so pissed she complained about it the rest of the night. I was just surprised because normally my wife would've hid this from me and informed me that SD21 would just be coming back the next day, and then would secretly send her money from our account. So just maybe there is a sliver of hope that DW is finally starting to get the picture. Oh and by the way, of course SD21 figured out how to get home last night, just like I knew she would.


frustratedstepdad's picture

Looks like my wife didn't learn one damn thing, because she let SD21 have the car all day yesterday. I swear my wife is just all talk and I am sick of her being so naive. I wish I could just kick SD21 sick of looking at her face.

RaeRae's picture

She's an adult. Treat her like one. Rent, bills, job, and she can get her own damn car.

frustratedstepdad's picture

I agree. I'm tired of being financially responsible for two families, and I'm tired of my wife making excuses everytime SD21 does something wrong.