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A funny thing happened yesterday...

frustrated 1's picture

Hey everyone Smile like I said a funny thing happened yesterday after I got back from the event I and my mom went to, in the not to distant past about 2 weeks ago I asked my DH if he was going to b at home all day and I wasn't would he please make the bed we have been together over 10 years and he know I don't like to get in a messy bed well he made the bed shocked me so I though I had made the bed but couldn't remember lol.
Oh today was the first time in about a week I came home and he wasn't in the bed with her the SD they was sitting on the couch watching tv appropriately all the little damn things I use to beg him to do he seems to b trying in his own stupid stubborn way to do hmm why now why he changing now, it make me rhink anyone got any comments or advice it'd b appreciated. Smile


12yrstepmonster's picture

I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth! Don't look for a reason, its happening.

Maybe he's seen the reason behind what you've asked. And didn't before.

frustrated 1's picture

He don seen the light cause he's a stubborn one? But dang it took me havin a mini breakdown and not speaking to him for a week to get some of the points I'm trying to make oh and no sex for the last 2 weeks. SMH. For a really long time I was wondering if some of his personality traits was worth me hangig in there trying to keep working through things with him. Idk I know that's a question have to answer myself I just don't want to make an impulsive decision that's based on emotion and not logic. Sigh I'm to close to my own problem to...... what I'm tryin to say is I can't see the forest for the trees cause I'm standing in the forest.
I don't feel that those 2 gestures were enough maybe its a start but this is not a new young teenie bop relationship we been together for over 10 years and he should know better. But he don't I feel like I'm running in a circle.