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Just quickly

fizzyfuzzy's picture

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am officially a BM now!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isaac James got here on Monday at 2:45pm, he's beautiful and I'm so in love!


goingcrazy's picture


I am so happy for you... you waited that one so long!!!! Glad he is finally here. If I could climb through this computer I would give you a huge hug!!!!

Sita Tara's picture

Haven't gotten to know you yet, but always wonderful news! We added a baby girl to our blended family almost two years ago and she has brought our three kids together with a mutual bond Smile

Peace, love, and red wine

Most Evil's picture


Mary's picture

Just what I needed to hear today! You made my day and made me cry! I just love hearing a new Mommy say how much she is in love! What a blessing a baby is!!! Being a BM in the greatest!

chellebelle143's picture

This is wonderful news, what a blessing. Hope you are all doing well.

**How seldom we weigh our neighbors in the same balance as ourselves. ~Thomas à Kempis**

Colorado Girl's picture

Congratulations.....officially!!!!! Smile

sweetthing's picture

All kidding aside, no amount of sleep loss can isn't worth the beautiful baby boy! Loving them from the moment they come into this world is amazing. Each week goes by & he starts doing new incredible things, it is just the best. My son is going on 4 months & everytime he smiles, laughs, reaches for something my heart melts.

Congrats & take good care of yourself!