Finally, My Complicated Story Part 2
So, we're now at the time the SS (now 14) comes to live with us and SD (now 13) and SS (now are all living with us. The two youngest we found out were molested and my mom and grandma had died earlier in the year.....
I could go into every detail about the molestation case, but there's really nothign to say. CPS decided not to go any farther (mind you, SD is torn and BOTH kids are telling them who did it.) Because CPS thinks the children where inconsistent (WHAT!?!?! Read a book idiots, even I know that's common). Regardless, we take the BM back to court and DH wins full legal and residential custody of the kids with BM getting court supervised visits 2 hours a month. Pathetic eh??!??!
But NOW DH decides the kids need to start calling me mom, he doesn't ask me about it, just one day he goes into the kids rooms and the next minute they are calling me mom, he, of course, denies the whole thing, but I'm not an idiot. SS5 (at the time) was calling me "Dawn mommy" and I was weirded out about that, so I'm not sure why DH thought it was a good idea to go even farther.
Well, so once a month we go for two hours to see BM. SD wont' go back to the visitation room, but she sits in the waiting room with us. And SS8 goes back, but cries before we go and cries as soon as we leave because he hates going.
So DH at this point has decided that he's going to start calling them "our kids". He's going to make sure everyone thinks I'm the mom (I'm fkn 27, she's 13, I don't want people thinking I'm the mom, that's twisted.) And he won't let up about it. He gets mad AT ME, when I say "your kids" or if someone asks how many kids we have and I say "DH has 3, and our first together is on the way."
I'M NOT THE ONE WHO HAD KIDS WITH A DEAD BEAT!!!!! TWO DEAD BEATS!! So why he gets mad at me, is so infuriating!! He even has his friends and family saying things like "well, you're already a mom" and all that other bs. Yes, I do mom things, Yes, I do everything for them, Yes, I'm with them more than even DH at this point, but I'M NOT THEIR MOM!! Is is selfish for me to feel like this????? To me, I'm not officially a mother until this kid pops out in November.
Grr, now I've gotten myself all riled up. But my life is pretty much a sham. DH wants everyone acting like their this big happy family, when in all reality, all of his kids need therapy and he REFUSES and I need someone to talk to and he REFUSES and as far as I'm concerned, he probably needs the most help of us all and he REFUSES.
To top it all off, his parents now pull the same B.S. about "you're their mom". Grrrr!! I need a freakin' vacation.
And it's sad, because I'm so excited for my baby boy to get here in November and I feel like he's being born into this screwed up family that everyone wants to think isn't screwed up. I'm afraid to leave him around the oldest SS b/c he's mean and a smart ass, and I'm afraid to leave him around SD b/c she's never got a full healing from what's happened and I don't want her doing stuff to my kids and the other SS is only 8 so he seems to be the most normal, but he's only 8 who knows what kind of psychological problems will come out later..
I do worry all the time about Post Partum Depression, and I think talking here has really started to help already, but at the same time it's just reinforcing what I've always thought about things and DH won't listen to them.
I guess ultimately I just feel stupid for getting married to someone with kids, but I love him, I just wish he didn't have the kids. Or even if he did and there wasn't all this other b.s. to put up with that he won't address, that I have to deal with.
I just wanna scream sometimes THEY AREN'T MY KIDS!!!! Is this wrong??
- fizzyfuzzy's blog
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No, it's not wrong.
It's not wrong, just honest. When the rest of us area dealing with crap like visitation and missing underwear and how she spends the CS, you are dealing with a husband in denial about the fact that two of his children were molested and an entire family who doesn't hear you. And that's the frustrating part... trying to express yourself in a million and one different ways and STILL no one gets it. I don't know what to tell ya. I love vickiemac's idea! (And now I understand why she says she's the world's most evil stepmom... mmmwwwaaaahhhhh ha ha ha ha ha!)
~ Anne ~
"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)
I really think men are in instant meltdown when its something like that- if you can't throw duct tape on it and order a part they usually have no idea how to fix it so they ignore it- we recently found out that SD has worst problems with not having dealt with all the stuff in her lifetime(BB is incapable so since for the younger years she spent most time there, SD didn't learn healthy coping habbits either) when it was brought to DH attention and I gave him the two choices I could think of he suddenly looked like someone unplugged him- DH is a wonderful dad but didn't have a father role in his life so hes kinda treading water as much as me.
I do take the mom role proudly personally- as you know I'm 28 but thats something you sorta have to come to yourself not have someone crazy-glue the title on you, But it also is well known in this house that I do have all the same powers as DH and it makes things easier.
I would definitely check into therapy- they are so young and have had to deal with more than alot of people go through even as adults and look how many of our friends are in therapy now- My SD is in therapy just from having coping issues and your skids aren't likely to just forget what they've been through.
Atleast look into it and maybe try to get DH to look at the risk factors for children that have been molested- its scary.
THank you
Thanks for the advice and reassurance. Unfortunately without my DH being on board I don't have the money to pay for therapy and we don't qualify for victims help or a reduced rate. And yes, my DH is a bit controlling. I know it's hard for him to accept what his kids have went through, but why do I have to deal with it if he isn't? I don't want his kids growing up being a statistic, that's why I try to help I guess.
My brain is so fried, sorry. Thanks again for the help.