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I need a MIL blog....

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I seriously think that on top of having a step parent site I need a place for my MIL blog.....grrr!! My DH is an only child, his parents got divorced when he was 4 and his mom remarried a man with three kids. (Making her a step mom). DH grew up with his step brother, but his step sisters treated him like crap. Probably b/c my MIL treated him like a baby, (and still does). DH insists that he doesn't have "only child syndrome" b/c he was raised with his step brother, but as far as I'm concerned he definitely has it and there's just something different about having a sibling from your real mom, there's just a bond you can't explain.
ANYWAY, my MIL treats my DH's kids WAY differently than the rest of the grandkids. I've had his step sisters yell at ME for it, I have nothing to do with it. My MIL and FIL (step FIL, but he's really the grandpa, my DH's BF is kinda weird) drive TWO hours in for DH's kids stuff but make excuses for the other grandkids. So, this weekend we were makign progress with one of DH's step sisters, she was going to let her daughter come spend the night at our house. Well, my MIL calls to say "we want to come to Joshua's last soccer game and then we want to take the kids out for the day." I explain to her that some of the other grandkids will be there b/c we're having a sleep over and that if she wants to do that then she'll need to call DH's step sister and explain it all to her and make sure it's okay b/c I'm not getting in the middle of it. MIL is now seriously annoyed that I had already arranged this sleepover and is being increasingly annoying about why I scheduled it on THIS DAY! UM B/C I'M 38 WEEKS PREGNANT AND NO OTHER WEEKEND IS GOING TO WORK!!
And THEN tonight is SS8's "skate night" for school, MIL has been calling me EVERY day to make sure I'm taking him (HELLO CALL YOUR OWN SON). I DON'T want to go sit at the stupid skating place for an hour and a half with 100 screaming 3rd graders. However, if I wasn't going to take SS8 my MIL was going to drive in TWO HOURS and take him herself and spend the night. Is it seriously THAT important??? It's just a fun night for the kids. Is it more importnant than my comfort??? Apparently it is!
I think I've posted this already but my MIL has also informed me that the future of the family lies in my hands. I dunno, I'm really aggitated. My MIL drives me up the wall. She's just like DH, as much as I feel like I'm doing for my step kids they always have a way of making me feel like I'm not doing enough!
It makes it easier to figure out why DH does NOTHING for himself. Where do men get this "super mom" theory???? I know that you can say he's "old fashioned" but it's more than that.
I'm not making any sense, my head hurts and I'm annoyed and I'm cramping!
Thanks for the vent!!