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Summer Fun

emilymarie's picture

Ok, so SD10 lives w us full time. Mom lives across the country and sees her twice a year. I already have difficulties living w a child who is not mine. She is with us 24/7. Never spends the night at a friend's house or even grandmas bc she's too scared. Anyway, she was supposed to visit mom for the summer and my husband decided she wasn't going. I'm a teacher and have the summer off. This is so selfish of me but I was looking forward to working on projects around the house and hanging out with friends, going out to lunches, etc. I can't do any of that now bc she's here and needs to be entertained constantly. There's a free summer park program in our area that she's signed up for but won't go to bc she's scared. My husband won't force her to go either. I need a break and help!!!!!!


emilymarie's picture

Haha I know. One: wish I could afford a nanny and two: he'd go to the ends of the earth for her and if spending time away from him isn't what she wants, she doesn't have to do it......I mean I love my daughter like no other, but I don't think he understands what it's like to pretty much babysit a child who isn't yours day in and day out. I need this time to keep my sanity.

Done WIth It's picture

Not able to get a nanny...then hire a babysitter. You need time off.

Sounds if the girl doesn't have any friends. Is this on purpose? Have any kids tried to befriend her?

hey...just got an idea.

Start making like you're hearing "ghosts" in the house. Everytime the house creaks, question whether it's haunted. Scare the crap out of her so she wants to hang with grandma.

I have a nephie who won't stay in one of my guest rooms (the favorite of everyone else) because it makes him think of Disney Haunted Mansion....go figure. He won't even go down the hall past it to use the toilet.

What about her cleaning the house...does do that for you? She's got to be good for something.

If anything, hire someone to come over and teach her to cook. Make her useful while she does nothing but stay with you.

That is so odd she doesn't want to be with other kids.