House key and ex wife
I am a new member and also having a new experience with my divorced boyfriend with three kids.
Is it normal for his ex wife to have a key to his new house even after she left the marriage, lives 5 miles away from him? He says it's because in case the kids get locked out. My problem with it is that he's always there for the kids and she's never to be found even if htey were locked out of the house. Does not make sense.
Now we have a long distance relationsip and the ex didn't waste any time to go to his house the morning after I did. What is that all about? What do I do? I'll be the one moving to his state i the near future and don't know how to deal with this situation and others from the ex.
I am also divorced and with no kids. His kids love me thought and that makes the ex angry.
Thank you.
- Dona's blog
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I think you should tell him that when
and if you to decide to live together that you are not keen on the idea of ex having key. That if the children get locked out you will be more then happy to let them in.
" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..
Lay down some laws
before you even think about moving in with him. Speaking for my self, hell no. I wouldnot want her to have keys to the place, especially after you move it.
Good luck Jo
"May the forces of evil get confused on the way to your house." George Carlin
Thak you
I did have a conversation about it with him and he said that he'll never ask for the key back and we got into a big fight a few nights ago to the point where he cancelled his trip to visit me this weekend. Last night we cleared a few things up and he's coming tonight. He says he needs to work on things, but has not mentioned the key.
I am concerned to bring it up again because I don't like to fight. We love each other very much and we are very happy together until the ex emails him constantly and calls. He says it's about the kids. He has them 3 weeks out of the month.
In any case, thank you for yur advise and now I don't feel so stupid that I had bad feelings about her having the key.
I have a tough road ahead of me.
No way in hell...
That I would want my husband's ex or my ex for that matter, to have a key to my house. That is shear lunacy for my life. Think long and hard about how much you want this situation to unfold when he thinks that this is a reasonable request.
He doesn't have to ask for the key back.
That wouldn't be enough for me, anyway. I would want the locks changed. All of them. You never, Ever, EVER let an ex have a key to your house. That's like Rule One of divorce etiquette. I don't care if he/she is the mother/father of your children. You NEVER let an ex keep a key to your home. Period. And you ESPECIALLY don't move in with a man who allows his ex to have a key to what is to become YOUR home. That is just an accident (or a lawsuit) waiting to happen. The biggest gripe most of us have is lack of boundaries. This is a good place for you to start. Her having a key crosses major boundary lines. If he cannot understand this, then you do NOT want to commit yourself to spending the rest of your life with him or uprooting yourself to be with him. It's a safety concern, for one thing, and it's also just not proper. If you value your "stuff," then don't move in until the locks have been changed. If he values your relationship, then there won't be any fighting about it. He'll understand and have it taken care of. If he doesn't and you move in, anyway, then be prepared for your wants and needs to continually be pushed aside for the rest of your life.
~ Anne ~
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other." -Walter Elliot
I have a slightly different
I have a slightly different take. If the EX is nutty--making your lives miserable, making HIS life miserable, etc., I would say no way should she hae access to the home. However, if they have a good relationship, and he trusts her, I think it's his call as it's his house--for the moment. If and when you move in, that would be the time to get the key back. You are right to discuss this now as you want to make it clear how you feel before you move in.
Also, how old are the kids? Are they old enough to be responsible for their own set of keys? I'd say if they are 12 and older, depending on their maturity levels, it might be a good idea for them to have a set of keys just in case. I always carried one for my parents' house (my mom didn't like it but my dad insisted and it never was a problem).
My advice would be to talk to BF and let him know that while you are living apart, you are not going to dictate what he does and doesn't do, but if it ever comes to pass that you move in, you WILL have a say as to who has access to your home. I can't see that it is hurting anyone for the time being though.
Most of us have had TERRIBLE times with the ex-wives/baby mamas, so we're on the defensive. But some exes are friends and make it work, and that might be the case right now. Again thought, once YOU move in, it's a totally different ballgame. I'll probably be the long ranger in this opinion, but I have learned that in these situations you need to choose your battles wisely. If you are not there and you are not affected by this right now, i don't see why you should waste your energy getting upset about it. I actually would be more concerned that he understands where you are coming from IF you do move in--he needs to know that you have some boundaries of your own. the old "this is how I've always done it, so you need to deal" is NOT an acceptable mantra, especially not when you make a major committment like moving away from your home for him.
Good luck!
Great advise
She left hi after 20 years and the kids are 9, 13 and 15. I don't trust her because she hasn't cared about my BF for the last 10 years (at least that's what I have beentold) and she's very bossy. She writes to him everyday and begore he met me he was at her beck and call. The short time she has the kids she calls him up and he runs to get them because she's goingout or not coming home. Also used to run and walk the dog because she would call him and say that she was not coming home. He still has his old keys. At least I was able to put a stop to the dog walking because after all it is her dog. I am a dog lover and have two of my own. Never ak my ex to walk my dogs.
Now he doesn't go in her house anymore whenpicking up the kids. He waits outside the door.
I am glad that all of you agree that once I move in I should change the locks. The live 5 miles apart and I just can't see why the need each other keys. She has been there twice, once when he told her about me and she ran over to his new house and made dinner for the kids. I was fuming and then a couple of weeks ago as I mentioned in my 1st message, the morning after I left. My BF was not home.
Should I bring this up this weekend or should I just wait until the time comes for me to move in? Another issue is the dirty laundry. When I was there for two weeks. We had the kids for one week and no matter how long they stay with the mother, they always bring dirty clothes to my BF's house. I mean baskets full. They have to do their own laundry at their other house and the ex insists that the do them at their dads. We help them do it though. I feel bad because I don't mind doing laundry for the kids.
I know I have a lot to deal with and I am sure you'll be hearing from me soon because I have lots of issues todeal with.
Bye and thanks again.
Bring it up right away
Don't hold onto that type of thing. If you are not able to talk about how you feel with BF then you should be taking some close looka at the relationship. When you hold onto things like that until a "more convenient" time you risk not getting the outcome you're hoping for, and possibly finding yourself trapped. If you wait until you're moving in and are hoping he'll be ok with changing the locks you may be in for a surprise. And by then maybe the moving van is loaded up and your place is not yours anymore... then what? You need to be able to make the decision about whether or not to move in with him with all the facts available. You should feel comfortable with the boudaries he has set with his ex, with the changes he says will take place when you live there, and all these things should have been discussed thoroughly.
It's hard enough having to deal with an ex in the picture, dealing with an ex in the picture when your relationship is not one that has all the info talked about in the open is at least twice as hard.
My two cents on the key issue is that I would not be ok with the ex having a copy regardless of where I live. I trust my DH very much, but I don't think I'd be ok with any other woman having a key to his house (even if he was BF instead of DH and we did not live together). Unless it was an employee (dog walker or housekeeper, etc) there is just no reason. The kids will need to learn to be more responsible with the locking out issue.. and perhaps a neighbor can have a copy if the kids just cannot get it figured out. That makes more sense anyways, the kids could run right over to the neighbors instead of having to wait for their mom to drive over with a key.
My opinion...
When BF moved in with me, we went through our keys. He picked out the key to BM's house and asked me what I wanted him to do with it.
"Throw it away. I don't want it in my house."
BM in my situation is a mess, she's psycho and she's a stalker. I would NEVER in a million years even think about letting her have a key to my house.
Like Krissy said, if the relationship is civil and on good terms, it would be no different than your friend or neighbor having the key.
This lady seems to have some jealousy issues, and doesn't seem too keen on the idea of YOU. I'd be afraid, since she is obviously not opposed to going there when he's not there NOW, that after you moved in she would invite herself to snoop through YOUR STUFF!
I'd leave the situation alone for a while and bring it up later. Don't let it ruin your weekend, and maybe you'll be able think about a way to bring it up that won't cause an immediate fight.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
The ladies are absolutely
The ladies are absolutely right. At the right time, make it clear that the locks must be changed when you move in. If he doesn't understand why, then there is work to do before you commit to a life with him. (aw, heck, there is always work in these situations. Roll up yer sleeves, get out some kleenex, join a gym (to get out frustration) and bookmark this site!
In my opinion, the BM has "controlling BM syndrome" - wants to keep a wife's control over the ex. I think it rarely has anything to do with love or attraction and has everything to do with plain old power trips. People like to have people at their beck and call.
Personally, I'd let the laundry thing go. You have to pick your battles, and that wouldn't be mine. But others may put a higher priority on it. You should decide what matters most to you.
My DH said lots of things like that "I'll never . . ." during the first discussion of an issue. It came from a reaction to me asserting myself (he felt told what to do) and a knee-jerk (and misguided) protective reaction re: any topic touching on his kids. I've found it takes time for an idea to sink in and eventually it's like he never said "never"--usually a 180 "well of course that's the thing to do"!! Sheesh.
My DH was dumb enough to go into his ex's house once when she was not home, when he promised to drop off some stuffed animal or something. He had just moved out of the house, and she had moved back in (after two years of being gone), because she "won" the house in the settlement. And duh, after living there nearly 6 years you'd think he'd remember there's an alarm system, and that he no longer knows the code. Alarm went off, police came. After I was done being annoyed that he felt like he had some right to go in there (he was sheepish and said he didn't have the right, he didn't know what he was thinking) -- I laughed my a** off.
And another thing...
No way!
I didn't read everyone elses posts, but ... I agree with Anne - change the locks, screw getting the key back. I wouldn't go for it at all. In fact when DH was cleaning the last of his things out of BM's house ... it felt so weird to be in her house when she wasn't around (I was helping him) - even he felt weird. Anyway, I wouldn't be happy with the situation and woudl tell him if the real reason for his EX to have the key is incase the kids get locked out, get one of those fake rocks and put it in the back yard with a key in it, or leave the key with a neighbor or something ... BM doesn't need a key!!!
~ Katrina
Nip all of your concerns in the bud NOW!
If I could do my relstionship over, I would have nipped all the things that didn't make logical sense in the bud.....u r right she doesn't need a key....if they get locked out, let the kids stay at her house until he gets home...that makes sense....u need to sit with your boyfriend and set boundsries before u move...and unlike I did, u need 2 make certain he is following through with whatever u 2 Oprah...this is something I know 4 sure.....and if your boyfriend doesn't agree with u...beware...when there's too much loyalty 2 the careful....not trying to be negative....but I've been where u are....stay firm and good luck....
Usually a spare key is left
Usually a spare key is left with a nearby neighbour....or hidden somewhere....or the kids have a spare. She lives 5 miles away..that doesn't make sense.
Take Care![Smile](
I say, change the locks...
I say, change the locks...
My BF doesn't want his ex to
My BF doesn't want his ex to be in his house if he's not home. He doesn't even want her in his front door. He won't even give the kids a key because he knows if they go there, she will go along and snoop. There are just things you don't want her to see or know. And there are things she has no right to see or know. I wouldn't move in until you get this one straightened out.
We keep a spare in our detatched garage
We have a keyless pad that both boys know the code for & where the key is hidden. That way if they have left something at our house & they need to pick it up they can get in. DH swore them to secrecy on it, however both boys gave the code to grandma ( my mom) when she snuck down & surprised us with a visit on the day they work from home with me.
When DH asked them about it they were like it's sweetthings mom, she might have to get in when the baby comes to let out the dog.I told DH that was smart thinking on their part because it is a real possibility and it is a # that pertains to me that my mom would know.
I think we have a key to BM's house from about a year ago when she was out of town & we took care of her garbage & her mail and she used to have one of ours & actually had to come let us in once when we got locked out. We got new doors with new locks during our remodel & figured this was a better plan.
Our relationship with BM goes back & forth, however she is not a criminal nor crazy so I am not worried about waking up with her by my bedside or wearing my jewels.![Smile](
Thank you.
Good morning all!! Thank you very much much for your advice. I now feel better that I didn't over react to this situation.
I'll do the right thing when the time comes, but in the meantime, my BF knows how I feel about the key situation.
What bothers me the most for the BM to have the key is that she's bossy and still wants control of my BF and don't want her in and out of his house. I don't think that it's her place anymore once she made the decision of not wanting to be married anymore and live a free life.
Have a great day and talk to you soon.
Get the locks Changed
I agree, why give her the benefit of being SHITTY, because if the KEY is for IF and WHEN the kids get locked out of the house, then technically the KEY should not have been used the NEXT day after you left HIS home, unless the kids were locked out of the house. If it smells like shit it's shit. So BF's theory of WHY EX has a key doesn't make sense. So therefore GET the locks changed of course with his permission BEFORE you move in. He hasn't seen her CRAZY side until you move in, and believe me YOU'RE ONLY at the starting line, ask any one on this site.
The Green Eyed Monster!!!! AKA JEALOUSY!!!!!
Jealousy - "the green eyed monster" - is not one basic emotion, but a compound of many-grief, love, anger, greed, hatred and envy.
I have seen her shitty side...
With a phone call to him the first time I was visiting him and was staying in his home. She had the kids and called him the first Sunday I was there. The phone call started "whatever you are doing, it has to stop now". We were sitting by the pool and joking around and all of the sudden his faced dropped and he gets up and goes somewhere else to speak and trying to calm her down.
I was furious because at the end of the phone call, he told me that she got upset because the younger daughter (9) was raving about me and couldn't wait to see me.
My BF and I got into a huge fight because the BM judged me even before meeting me and that's not right because she should be lucky that her children are surrounded by a good person.
The day after she sends my BF an email with a fake apology dumping the kids on him a week earlier saying that "it would be good for the kids to spend time with Dona" (me). I was furious (not for the kids) but because he didn't see the manipulation in the entire story. She just didn't want for us to have alone time and the kids had all kinds of expensive activities happening that week for which we ended up paying for. The 13 year old daughter had a birthday party at BF's house and I had to organize everything. The BM didn't even call her on that day. We took the kids to an amusement park and then a party at the house.
That's what scares me about her having the key. She cheated and dumped him and now that he's happy she still wants control. I'll either get the locks changed or not continue with this relationship.
After reading everyone experiences I am getting scared of perusing something that will always have problems.
Thanks for listening.
I'm sorry but you need to get out of this relationship
I married him. Dona, your emails read like my life. My husband and I have been separated since January. It all revolved around her before we married and after it got WORSE. Imagine being married to him and having him help her hang her curtains in the bedroom they used to sleep in...his reason - to avoid conflict. She asks him to do EVERYTHING and he does it "to avoid conflict". She sent him flirty emails after we married and guess what, he wouldn't do a thing about it because he wouldn't "start a fight". She didn't want him to remarry. He did. She made him pay. He did. Sad thing is, it all worked and he and I are sad and lonely and miserable now. Her manipulation worked everytime. My brain didn't work that way and I was generally just in tears. I love him, but honestly, after all this time, I am relieved. The pain too great to bear. Please be careful. Your situation sounds so similar. Make sure you understand their relationship and go very slow.
Thank you
Thanks for the encouraging words. I am not going to rush into anything because I don't need to have this pain in my life. The good thing is that we have a long distance relationship and I can take all the time I want.
Last week he made a breakthrough and finally opened up to me about allowing me to help him make decisions when it comes to his ex and kids, but that was short lived. I am also concerned about his 13 year old daughter because she's acting like her mom and treats him the same way she does and is being a spoiled brat. You know that daddy can't see any wrong in his child.
Thanks again and I promise that I won't rush into anything.
Good luck with everything and if you need to talk please contact me.