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I am expecting my first baby

DoDar's picture

Haven’t written on here for a while but I just wanted to post that I am expecting my first baby.

I am so excited along with every other emotion there is.

I just really hope the bitch BM doesn’t make a load of trouble once she finds out.

Any advise for avoiding BM stress?


Madam Hedgehog's picture

We told the skids at 12 weeks. I am sure SS6 told his mom, but she hasn't said anything and we haven't heard anything nuts from the skids yet. She HAS stepped up the stalker behavior and has been crowding DH at every possible event.

If I were you, I wouldn't say anything until you absolutely have to.

Congratulations by the way. I'm having my first in October and am really happy, confused, scared, furious, etc. Mostly psyched though. If you need anyone to talk to, feel free to PM me. Smile