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BM obviously planning on dying when SKs turn 18....

DeeDeeTX's picture

So, DH has occassionally tried talking to BM about child support stopping and what she's going to do in three years when it does. She doesnt want to hear it and flips out on him whenever he brings it up.

She didn't work for the entirety of DH's marriage, and in the six plus years they've been divorced, she's gotten herself a job making minimum wage.

We would definitely support BM in ANY plans she tried to make to get a real career, and go back to school, but no.....the thing is,she's not frugal at all, so when child support stops, wtf is her plan? She can't possibly live on her minimum wage job.

I seriously think her plan is probably to lose 100 pounds and find a new man to live off of, but with her age and looks, I don't know if that's possible. Still, there's a sucker born every minute....


hereiam's picture

Our BM has never lived on her own since her and my husband split up. She is either with a man or moves back in with her mother.

stormabruin's picture

Our BM was complaining about how she'll never find her soulmate, & that she guesses it'll just be her & the kids forever.

When DH reminded her that the kids will grow up & move out & live their own lives with their own families, she started crying & said, "Well then I guess it'll just be me & their pets".

I think she'll opt for death over a job when CS ends, as she just ordered her live-in to pick up a second job. According to SS she's in the process of filing for disability because she has a goiter.

stormabruin's picture

LOL! She's named DH the "Love of her life". I keep praying another one will come along.

hereiam's picture

Have her check Craigslist. That's where our BM found her current husband. Or since you are looking for a car, perhaps you could be a gem and also find your BM a man. Just a thought. Is she picky as to whether they can spell or not?

stormabruin's picture

LOL! Actually, I got a message on my fake FB page I'd friended BM on from her again-live-in awhile back where she'd thrown him out because he couldn't afford to pay the household bills & keep all 4 cell phones turned on.

He was soliciting for "a good man to take care of her & her kids".

Given the context of the messages he sent, no...she's not picky about spelling. He just needs to be able to carry her & the kids.

Apparently he's being a gem enough for both of us. I'd hate to step on toes & interrupt his search for her soulmate.

DeeDeeTX's picture

BM is literally one of those people who expect someone to take care of her, and get very upset when asked to stand on her own two feet.

I think she almost had a breakdown when she realized she needed to get a job or else she wouldn't have medical insurance...and when you're 100 pounds overweight, you have a lot of medical problems.

I know I'm being mean, but it can't hurt her since she's not reading it. }:)

stormabruin's picture

I wonder why lack of insurance hasn't pushed our BM to get a job. Ahh yes...Medicaid.

Willow2010's picture

For a long time, BM always acted like CS was THE MOST important thing to her. A real witch about it. Even though DH was never behind, if it was one day late she was freaking out. I always thought she would go bananas without the CS.

I was wrong,,, she changed when SS was 15 and sent him to live with us. And sent CS too!!!
I would have gladly paid the CS!!!

ctnmom's picture

DeeDee, she'll probably get a ovulation predictor kit, get dolled up and squeeze herself into 3 sizes too small Spanx, and get herself knocked up with a ONS. Pouf! Instant 18 years of income!

hereiam's picture

Maybe he is concerned that if BM doesn't get her shit together, skid will try to move in with him and DeeDeeTX?

Even though my SD is married, her and her husband are so irresponsible. I would rather they turn to BM for help than us!

stormabruin's picture

Yep. It's nothing that will be covered by disability. This comes on the heels of her trying to qualify due to Mitral Valve Prolapse & Parkinson's & being denied.

SS came off CS almost a year ago & she has 2 more years to collect on SD. She's taking DH back for an increase the end of next month. I guess she's just planning ahead.