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DeeDeeTX's Blog

What is going on here? Christmas edition.

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I've been asking my DH if we will see the SKs for Christmas (we will have to visit them) and he keeps sighing and saying, "yeah, I guess, I mean, i don't know".

I've asked DH if he is getting SK a specific item on her list she sent and he snapped at me and was like, "I don't know what I'm getting, why are you asking??" (Uhm, maybe so I can get a good price on it if you're buying it anyway?)

How do you deal with someone who doesn't see things the way you do?

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My husband doesn't see things the way I do...but that doesn't really do it justice.

I could deal with someone who just didn't see things the way I did but we each understood the other's position and we could find a compromise.

But my husband refuses to understand where I'm coming from on a lot of things, and this is what he does:

O/T Help with neighbor's cats

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Since there seem to be a lot of animal lovers here, I thought someone may have an idea.

Our neighbor has cats. She lets them outside. For some reason, our yard is their preferred bathroom site. They leave presents in our flower bed. The piss in our front bushes to where our front porch reeks. She has about six to eight, and they seem otherwise decently taken care of-nothing I could call the authorities for animal neglect.


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The therapist today told me I knew what I was getting into when I married a man with kids.

I looked at her and asked her if she thought soldiers weren't allowed to get PTSD because they "knew" they were going to be in combat.

She shut up.

TX Child support sucks! A vent with strong language.

DeeDeeTX's picture

So, DH is always, always, always on time with child support. Never been late. He cuts a check and sends it to the TX child support office every month like clockwork. Well, this month he does it same as usual. Except this month when he gets his paycheck, it's missing several hundred dollars.

Apparently the fucking assholes over at TX child support office decided after YEARS that they were going to deduct it from his pay AND never bothered to inform him, so he's paid child support twice this month.

BM obviously planning on dying when SKs turn 18....

DeeDeeTX's picture

So, DH has occassionally tried talking to BM about child support stopping and what she's going to do in three years when it does. She doesnt want to hear it and flips out on him whenever he brings it up.

She didn't work for the entirety of DH's marriage, and in the six plus years they've been divorced, she's gotten herself a job making minimum wage.

Parenting I too mean?

DeeDeeTX's picture

So we have a three year old and a four year old. They have just started the "I don't wanna eat X, Y, and Z" routine.

Well, yesterday I made enchiladas and they refused to eat them so I told them if they didn't eat them, they weren't getting anything else for the rest of the night. DH flipped out at me and told me I was being too harsh on them for how old they were.


O/T kids birthday parties...

DeeDeeTX's picture

Ok, totally off topic, but....

I remember when I was a kid, my parents would throw me birthday parties, starting at like age 3, and inviting all the little friends from my class. The parents NEVER mom would get a few relatives and watch all of us....even when we were all young.

But I understand that things might not be exactly the same today?

What do you need to think about? (a slightly OT vent)

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So, after my blog yesterday, I was motivated to call around for marriage counselors, which SO already agreed we should go. In fact, I even had a referral to someone earlier this year, but she had an emergency and couldn't take us.

So I called a bunch of people, spoke with the ones who got back with me, told him about the conversations and their philosophies, offered to share the phone number so he could call them if he had any additional questions or concerns....

And all he says is could he please have a little time to think about it...think about what?

Oh, I thought I told you about that

DeeDeeTX's picture

I was using DH's email account (with his permission) and discovered he had sent the SKs 150 each for spring break. He NEVER told me about this. (And he's been whining about money....I guess money to the SKs comes off the tree in our backyard, but every other expense comes from our bank account...)

I have an issue with it because BM gets over 2200 a month from us, but mostly because he never discussed it with me.
