Anyone else feeling the effects of Hell freezing over ?
Hell just froze over everyone!!!
BM#1 has moved to our town, come to find out today when SO went to get SD12 that she has already moved on from her last relationship and living with this new BF whom is supposed to have his divorce final in a few weeks. (not my deal, been there) But when SO was there I guess he met him and he seems really nice and I guess is not afraid to put BM in her place. He has custody of his two kids girls 5 & 6. Also has two older ones that don't live with him. 13 & 18.
O/T.. Father's Day/ Step-mom's Day
SO decided that since we didn't have any kids for mother's day and the kids keep asking about mother's day or SM day he is going to share his weekend with me too. I guess we are going to celebrate Sunday for him and on Monday for me ( he is taking monday off and kids are all staying until Tuesday)
Anyone have any good ideas for father's day gifts?
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why can't all BM be like BM#2
BM#2 is the BM for SD11. She is always putting her child first. She doesn't argue with SO or I. She is respectful and easy going. She is also a beatiful women inside and out. She works two jobs to support her kids. She doesn't care if she gets a $ from SO as long as he is an active father to SD11 (she gets $ though and SO pays for her extra things too)
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SD3 pushed her BM away from her " I feel like chopped liver"
Today was the day SD3 was to go back to BM house at 6 PM. She showed up on time... WOW also all weekend SD3 kept asking when she had to go to BM house and would say "do i have to go to BM house today".. NO.. "Good"- Laugh and smiling again. Well today she asked again and said "but I don't want to go back" SO said " I am sorry honey you have to" SD11 said " tell BM you want to stay if you don't want to go" (SD11 is used to her parents working together for what it is she wants to do, within reason)
BM tries to make it look like SO forgot about SD3
So all day yesterday BM was telling him he was not getting here then all at 630PM gets a text about why did you not pick her up and you forgot here. Here is a long story short. Here is the e-mail SO sent BM explaining the situation.
BM sent this to SO at 630 PM via email
After calling you askign you why u didnt pick her up, u exclaimed stating i NEVER told you to pick her up, after both lawyers and order states u have her this weekend and after u fought me tooth and nail for her this weekend. You never once said on the ohone you were even COMING to pick her up.
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Finally have a signed order from the judge
BM your games are about to end.
We now have the right to get police involved to make documentation of her refusal to give him the child. Yeah this after $4,000 was spent and still not even close to being done. This was to cost $2000. It's because of her BS that it was drug out by 4 months.
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i have missed this little girl soo much
SD 3 is my light in this cloud of gray . I miss her laugh and smiles. I hate saying this but I don't want to go to sleep. Yes SD is still up cudling me and watching smurfs. She doesn't want to sleep and I am being selfish for once and letting her stay up late. I work at 645 but don't care. I don't know when I will see her again.
I miss hearing ... mommy ... yes baby... I love you. She says it at the most random times and makes me smile.
Sd wants to say hi.....
Gov rrtyuioo essrklwesddf gjunpuyeww fgfXcvvbbhiyf ( hi )
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We have SD3 for 13 hours
We got her!!! Not without a fight with her attorney telling her she had to and our attorney contacting the judge and this is going to be costly I am sure with all the emailing back and forth. It's worth it though. The hard part is when BM does this to SD3 she is a changed child when she gets back to us.
She wants nothing to do with SO or I only her sister. It is hurtful when I know that she is being PAS'd to dealth. And told she can't like me or call me mom. I don't refer myself to mom she calls me MOM on her own.
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O/T- SD11 knows me way too well
SD11 is here for pretty much the whole summer. Her mom is the only one who truly puts her kid first and does not cause drama. She is an amazing women and mother.
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compramise offered to BM to stay out of court for contempt
SO decided that if she agrees to have the missed parenting time made up then he will forgo taking her to court for contempt. (she will never go for it but at least it shows the judge that it's not him being unreasonabile) If she give him the next three weekends then he will forgo taking her to court. Let's see what she says.