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Yet another denied visitaion

DASKRA's picture

So the judge signed the CO stating that SO gets SD3 every Thrusday, Every other weekend to coinside with his visitation with his other children since it's SD3's only siblings and also that he gets one other over night visit during the week, BM would not say one set date Back in March so they left it open as a floating day, Either Monday, Tuesday or Wed, ever since the hearing back in March BM has made it clear that she would rather have Wed, become the floating day to make it consistet. Also that our states Parenting time Guidlines be in place as well.

They both are charging each other with Contempt of Court... LOL this will be fun.

DASKRA's picture

Finally heard from BM attorney. I guess she is also filing contempt charges on SO for not giving SD3 to her on his holiday. I guess when it states every other holiday and she has had Easter and the Next one was Memorial Day she doesn't have to let him have her? I don't know how this will go. Should be fun. SO does not want to back down now because he has too much crap on her to just through it away now.

BM moving to our town, sd12 cat issue though

DASKRA's picture

So my SO got word that BM and SD12 are moving to our town. Yeah no more 45 miles both ways to see her. This will be good for their relationship and the kids are excited to be closer to each other. However still unsure the reason behind the quick move ( I don't understand because she was renting a house with her fiance and they had just painted and decorated SD's room for her, Also she used to live 145 miles away from us in another state then moved to our state last summer and now again this summer) but BM,has put on my SO and I to take SD s cat that she loves so much.

Anyone else having/had problems with BM not letting DH talk to Skids?

DASKRA's picture

SO has a court order that states he can talk freely with his SD8 at reasonaible hours and it also states in there that EVERY Tuesday at 730 PM the child needs to be made avalible. Now BM doesn't always let him talk to her and if she does she stands right there and stairs down SD8 (this is from SD herself) She does not allow SD8 to talk to him if she is not there because the one time she let SD8 talk using her husband phone SD8 would not shut up. She is a very talkative person and was so excited to talk to her dad without her mom staring her down.

Kinda like the way this sounds... SO's Affidavit for contempt on BM

DASKRA's picture

1. That my name is SO and I am the Plaintiff in this matter. This Affidavit is made in support of Motion to Modify Interim Custody and Motion for Contempt.

2. I am the natural father of SD3 DOB:

3. Defendant is SD3's natural mother. (want to add egg donor here if I could)

4. Defendant and I have never been married.
(SO got smarter)

It always gets better....

DASKRA's picture

I get a phone call today from SO, Which he has never called me directly to my work. He was so upset I could hardly understand him.

He said "it's not you getting the Protection order, It's me, BM has filed a protection order against me"

I will post more when I get home regarding what it said but it was really a bunch of lies and more lies. BTW the judge denyed it but he still has to go to court for it in 30 days.

back to court we go....

DASKRA's picture

Well on Monday night BM called the cops because she didn't want SO to have SD3 on HIS holiday and because back in March when a CO was put into place for set visitation and her lawyer and her thought if they contested a part of the order then SO would not have anything signed by the judge to enforce. Well the thing is that the judge stated to both parties "this is considered my signed order on record" there for it was read with both parties agreeing and both parties present with their lawyers. There for it is considered an enforcible order with or with out her signature on a piece of paper.

Need help or advice on what to put in our CO for custsody

DASKRA's picture

Starting a NEW custody order for SD3 and want to know if there was anything u wished was in your CO that you didn't have put in there. I know I want it specified on what years even or odd we have the kid for holidays. I also want to have minor holidays considered as well, like Halloween and V-day. Also if the weekend falls on a weekend where the kids don't have school on the Friday Or Monday that that be put into the weekend as well. I want to be able to claim EOY on taxes. I want to be notified of all School functions including school pictures.
