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compramise offered to BM to stay out of court for contempt

DASKRA's picture

SO decided that if she agrees to have the missed parenting time made up then he will forgo taking her to court for contempt. (she will never go for it but at least it shows the judge that it's not him being unreasonabile) If she give him the next three weekends then he will forgo taking her to court. Let's see what she says.

BTW apparently BM attorney is shocked to hear that she is denying visitation, He had NO idea (eyes rolling) And agrees that SO should have SD3 this weekend and BM is saying that she will only give her to him if he agrees to give her back Friday morning before 9 AM. Let's see how this plays out over the day. And she is supposed to drop her off by 215 PM per her statment. SO is supposed to have the whole day not just a few hours with his daugher.

Well we can show the judge that we are being flexible. We let her have her for four hours to take her to the circus on our weekend. She has done nothing but use the child against him in her high school games. SO has sent many impressive e-mails to her stating that she needs to comply with the orders and that she is well aware what they are.


buterfly_2011's picture

Funny how those BM's like to change the CO to fit what they feel. I have 2 of these bitches doing this. We are also heading to court and funny my SO said to BM #2 if you give SS3 to me the next 3 weekends to make up for all the time lost then maybe we can work something out. She agreed. Has she called this week? Nope. Not a word NOR has she responded to his texts. It looks like we are headed for court. She does this crap all the time. Keeps him from us. Then will pick up the phone weeks later with every excuse possible. And if he does come he comes at 8pm on friday and she wants him by 10am sunday. The CO is 4pm on friday and 4pm on sundays.....
I know how you feel. I hope our judge see's this and understands why we are once again headed back to court.

ashleysexymama1's picture

Well at least your guy's BM want to see the kid's. My husbands BM always finds somthing to make up when WE call her to take HER daughters.

DASKRA's picture

SO attorney has contacted the judge directly regarding the issue. We have not heard from here. She told him she would be here at 215 and that has come and gone with no BM or SD3. We waited until 300 PM and sent her another message requesting the child. She has not responded and did not let him know she was running late there for we assume she is denying visitation again. Contempt charges will be filed. And if our attorney won't do it then we move on.