CrystalRE's Blog
SK's Missing BM
My SD, 6 was in trouble last night for arguing with her sister. While we were talking to her about her punishment she told me that she "cries in the night" because she misses her mom. She also said that her sister (10) comes in to her room to comfort her and bring her a tissue. Is this something we should be asking her sister about? Has anyone ever experienced this and if so what steps did you take to comfort her? Or did you ignore it? DH and I have never actually saw her crying about missing her mom.
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OT But Wondering If Anyone Has Ever Experienced An Issue Like This And Can Offer Advice
I have a sister that is almost 3 years older than me. She and I have always been pretty close. She is recently divorced and a few months before her divorce she became interested in my husbands best friend. She asked us to set her up with him. DH did not want to get involved so we did not set them up but did allow her to come along with us to a bbq at his home one evening. They started dating shortly after.
Question About Transportation
During the summer months we share joint custody with BM. Two weeks with her and two weeks with us. My question is... BM lives in the same town that I work in which is about 15 minutes from where DH and I live (50 minutes from where DH works). Our "meeting place" is also in the town where I work and BM resides. Does anyone know if there is a "law" or anything that would allow BM to refuse to let me pick up the kids on my way home from work rather than making DH drive after work since I am already going to be there?
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Need Some Quick Advice
So BM just sent us an email that said:
"SD 10 has a birthday party to go to next weekend. Can you buy the gift since I bought the gift the last time she had a party to go to."
She was invited to a party three weeks ago that was on BM's weekend and this party also falls on her weekend. Should we buy the gift?
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Opinions Please
So my SD, 10 came home from school and, like we do everyday, DH and I went through her folder of checked papers. When going through the papers we noticed that there were two math assignments that she had missed 10 (out of 18) on. This is VERY unusual for her...she normally misses 1-2 at the most and when she is with us, DH and I check her assignments before she hands them in.
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Just Wondering
So I was reading another post and herewegoagain posted a list that insipred me to create this blog. We have had a lot of trouble with BM calling and emailing about things that are none of her business. Herewegoagain set out the following list of reasons for BM to call...
1. child is doing poorly in school
2. child has an activity in school
3. child is sick/hospital, etc.
4. child is in trouble w/the law
5. I have an emergency and child wants to go w/you instead of babysitter.
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Breeding Negativity
I have been away from this site for several months now. I have been browsing lately but havent been inspired to blog until reading Pantera's blog today. If any of you remember...My husband and I started a serious effort at "fixing" our marriage several months ago by going to counseling. It was our counselor that recommended that I not visit this site for a while because it "breeds negativity". As a seasoned expert on negativity, let me tell you what breeds negativity:
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An Epidemic?!?!?
I have been reading the Blogs this week and it seems like there are an awful lot of us ready to call it quits lately. It seems like those of us with these feelings all have similar issues. I'm including myself when I refer to these postings because I have found myself feeling like the end of my marriage is near. My husband and I have decided to try marriage counseling and have our first session next week.
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Don't Know If I Should Be, But I Am....
...hurt by what DH said to me last night. Its dance recital season and by this time we are always busy making costumes for SD/10 and SD/6. This year is a little bit different. Because of our new custody arrangement we dont have the kids on the weekend any longer which means that the recital falls during BM's time with the kids. I would like to continue to make the costumes because I have for the last 4 years and its something that the girls and I have always enjoyed doing together...PLUS, not to toot my own horn BUT...Im pretty good at it.
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Marriage Counseling. Have you been there and does it work?
I have finally gotten to the point that I told DH that we were going to take one last stab at saving our relationship and attend marriage counseling. I have found a counselor that specailizes in divorced/remarried couples therapy. Has anyone been through this and found it to work? We have the typical "second marriage issues" on his side. I am also divorced but my ex is a very realisitc man who understands the situation and respects my new husband. I know this sounds a bit too good to be true but it is.