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why do SD's turn out just like BM

crushed step-mom's picture

oh and when they end up looking like her (the evil bitch) makes it even harder to like them or look at them! I think that is why it was always easier with my SS he looked like his father and acted like his as well. I think that is why he suffers alittle more at home because of it. I can recall when he was 4 or so my husband took him to get his hair shaved into a buzz cut. BM kept giving him her homemade chopped haircuts, looked terrible! I will never forget her face and the scream she let out when SS got out of the car.....she is such a drama queen!! The SS looked more like his dad with shaved head! LOL


oldone's picture

I am so glad DH never had a daughter. I'm sure SD would have popped out a little crotch dropping as a teen like BM and if she'd had a daughter same thing. DH could probably be a great grandfather by now.

Shaman29's picture

I got lucky on both counts.

Even though DH's kid acted like Uberskank (not the whore part, the attitude part), it was because she was a snarky teenage girl. Which is exactly how the 40+ year old Uberskank behaves.

Now she's behaving more and more like DH, which is good for him. I don't really care because I keep her at an arms length.

And if she wasn't the spitting image of DH's beautiful mother, I would have insisted on a paternity test.

RedWingsFan's picture

Stepdevil14 looks, acts and lies just like BM.

Now, on the other side of that coin, my DD15 is taking after me and that's not a bad thing, but I could see how my ex's live in girlfriend may not appreciate that!

Shaman29's picture


DH's kid has two sisters.

Middle sister looks and acts just like Uberskank, but is rail thin like her biodad (not DH).

Youngest sister looks exactly like her biodad side (not DH).

So DH and third baby daddy got lucky.

Middle baby daddy, not so much.

EvilWickedSM's picture

Ugh, really! SD15 is the spitting image of her mother, with the attitude and mannerisms to match. This is unfortunate because her mother is a snarky bitch. DH is one of the kindest, most giving, people I’ve ever met. It’s a shame SD didn’t take after him. Makes me want to vomit.

clydella's picture

SD is BM made over, looks, attitude, personality, everything. When I would look at her it was like I was staring at BM, it was weird. Their were times I would see DH in her and *poof* it would be gone in an instant, and there would be BM staring at me all over again.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

SS8 is his mother's clone in looks and personality. Lovely. There is NO trace of DH in him at all, and believe me, I've looked hard!

It's too bad bacause DH is very good-looking if I do say so myself (LOL) and he has a great, laid-back personality. It's a shame SS8 got none of that.

lac925's picture

DH's two kids (SD9 and SS11) look exactly like him (thank goodness!), but their attitudes are EXACTLY like BMs - that's only because they're with her 24/7, so they don't know any better. I still find it hard to look at them because BM just comes out! :sick: