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crushed step-mom's Blog

what's the funniest thing BM has done while you and DH are dropping off the skids?

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I recall my stupid BM was mowing the front lawn in her bikini top (of course she luvs to show off her nasty old saggin body) anyway she saw us pull up from the side of her eye, stopped the mower and went over to the porch to pick up her water bottle and unscrewed the lid and after she took a sip, she turned the water bottle up and let the water pour down the front of her chest as she leaned backwards rubbing it all over. LMAO like she was trying to imitate the scene on flash dance. :jawdrop: Obvious attempt to draw attention from my DH...he laughed his ass off as did I.

CS is nothing........ really?????

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so tired of BM and skids acting as if the CS doesn't even exist. With court ordered CS and wage assignments...the CS just gets deposited in BM's account. I am so tired of hearing mom took us shopping and bought us school clothes and she got me a hat too that I have been wanting...oh yea another pair of shoes. OR mom is taking us on vacation. The skids never thank DH for any of it, just go on praising all the crap their mom does. They are old enough to realize that after all these years if not for their dad, there mother would not have made it financially.

Head lice on our weekend...typical!

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Seriously all 4 of them had head lice....really...did she not bathe any of them in the past two days to notice before we picked them up?
I can't help but recall all of this stuff...and I have been through so much with those kids and for them to turn on me and just forget all the times I was there! I was the one that took care of this lice mess...where was their mom...out looking for a man probably! Crazy Bitch!!

why do SD's turn out just like BM

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oh and when they end up looking like her (the evil bitch) makes it even harder to like them or look at them! I think that is why it was always easier with my SS he looked like his father and acted like his as well. I think that is why he suffers alittle more at home because of it. I can recall when he was 4 or so my husband took him to get his hair shaved into a buzz cut. BM kept giving him her homemade chopped haircuts, looked terrible! I will never forget her face and the scream she let out when SS got out of the car.....she is such a drama queen!!

Disengaged but missing them, am I crazy!

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been disengaged from my 4 SK's for a month now. It's so weird seems like they have all died or something, I miss them , they have been in my life for 14 years. I cannot understand how they all came to hate me. I felt we had made it as a blended family and never knew how they really felt about me until the blow up! Somedays... I feel this is going to be a new wonderful life for my DH and I, but I still can't find comfort just yet. I worry that he will rethink it all and start to blame me.