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Crazy Ex wife

cribble84's picture

I am a 30 year old woman who never thought of becoming a step mother. However, life has never worked out that way for me lol. I am the step mother of a wonderful ( when she wants to be) step daughter. I have been with my husband for over a year and a half now. The only thing that causes problems for the relationship is his ex-wife. I have tried being nice, welcoming, and hell I have just let her come at me verbally A LOT during this time. I figured she was just upset that she is divorced and that she feels threatened by her daughters growing love for me as a mother figure in her life. I mean that would be understandable right ? But every mile stone my new family hits , she is right there to accuse me and belittle me as it happens. I am at my limit on just taking the high road for this all. She has accused me of molesting her daughter just so we could not have her in our home until an investigation was done. She has accused my husband of molesting his own daughter once I was found innocent so once again the daughter could not come to our home.
None of my family or friends have advice as they are not step parents. I have to invite this woman into my home in two months time for my step daughter's birthday party. I have been informed by my SD that her mother wants to rip my throat out. I have no idea how to deal with this woman anymore!


QueenBeau's picture

Separate birthday parties.

dissengage from BM. Don't communicate with her at all. If she can't talk to you, she can't verbally attack you. Get a restraining order if you have to.

SD is only 7. I haven't seen or talked to Bm in almost a year. It's really only to BM's benefit that you be friendly to her, & it is great you tried - but she obviously doesn't want that. & you hate how she treats you. So stop engaging with her.

She's your DH's problem. Let him deal with her.

tessa12's picture

She is not to come to your home given that level of conflict. Period. She's accusing you and DH of molesting her daughter?! No. Way. It's an invitation for her next story.

Maxwell09's picture

Your home is your safe haven, do NOT let that woman come over there. She's just going to cause a scene. If she's nasty enough to accuse both you and your SO of molestation, then nothing good can come of you letting her into your home for SDs birthday party. Just have separate parties and make it a great day for SD

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Whoaaaa you don't have to do anything. Bm and dh know
That if that bag of crazy steps foot on our property I will call the police and press charges so fast it will make your head spin. And never have we ever ever ever invited that looney toon to ss's birthday parties. Ever. If she wants to throw him a party that's exactly what needs to happen - she needs to throw him a separate party. Stop sympathizing with her! she knows exactly what shes doing. crazy cakes does not dictate your life girl.

Cocoa's picture

why are you interacting with her AT ALL?? she's dangerous. being accused of molestation can destroy your life. do not let this filth into your home, and NEVER speak to her again. if your dh doesn't like it, he can hit the road. you say his ex is the only problem in your relationship? it sounds like HIS relationship with his ex is the problem, and honey that is a very big one and a hill to die on. his job as your husband is to protect you, so if he actually fights you on this, he's fighting for his ex wife and protecting HER. this isn't a bm problem, its a dh problem. when your husband LEARNS how to be a husband, the problems with his ex will disappear.

Disneyfan's picture

Why would you even think of inviting someone who accused you of molesting her child into your home??? :? That is beyond crazy.

This is a huge deal breaker for me. DF knows BM and his kids get one chance to put my career and pensions in jeopardy. If they do, he's out of my life for good. No man is worth the damage an accusation like than can cause.

Stay away from BM and back away from her kid.