The Zen of being a Stepmonster
I haven't vented on here lately because I was working real hard on being positive and looking for healthy ways to deal with SS11. Not that this place isn't AWESOME, I was just finding myself so angry that I wanted to strangle my SS and all of your's too, along with the BM I deal with and the ones you deal with too
So I went on a little journey; my first stop was Eckhart Tolle who taught me not to resist what is. Resisting what is makes you angry and there's no reason to be angry because you can't change some things that are. For Example: My SS is a total asshole. He just is. He is becoming more and more of a selfish prick and it is what it is. Now that I am no longer resisting it I feel a lot better...most of the time.
Next stop: Judgmental f-ing SIL who is currently living with us. She works hard at being Zen herself and I have borrowed a lot of her books on being calm, relaxed, loving the now. It is she who sits in her room and hears things that go on around this house and from her throne of judgement she has told me that I am the problem. I'm too mean, I harp too much, maybe I should just leave the room when SS is being a dickhead. I listened, argued a little, ate it all, digested it and pooped out bullshit. I tried all the crap that she said and it is just getting worse. BUT at least I now have someone listening in judgement to everything I do, so when SS11 is being an ass I just send him to her room Aaahhhh Zen.
Stop #3 a new psychologist. My husband and I went to a psychologist who referred us to a parenting class that is designed for little kids. I did my best to live in the now (see: Eckhart Tolle above) and took the most I could from it. Big take-away? Less talk, less emotion. I am no longer talking to SS about his actions, nor showing anger (which has actually reduced my anger), I am just sending him to his room every-time he fucks with BS2. In fact, just tonight DH and I have decided that SS11 is no longer allowed in the same room as BS2. DH even said that he is going to start doing to SS11 things that SS11 does to BS2 (confusing sentence?). This just means that today SS11 threw a ball at BS2's face now, DH (or I am allowed to do it too) is going to randomly throw something at SS11's face. Also, SS went to hand something to BS, he held out the toy and dropped it on the ground when BS got close enough to grab it (it's like this all day). Conclusion: counseling may not have made us better people, but DH and I are more on the same page. I may go back again if this continues.
Anyway, I came back here because I am no longer so angry that when I type my computer moans from my angry keystrokes and I can vent with a little smile on my face. SS is what he is and will most likely end up on the corner of a street begging for money and beating his wife, but I don't have to worry about that anymore.
It is what it is...
- constantly_irritated's blog
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Pass a little zen to me
Pass a little zen to me please! We have ss19 (from hell) moving into our house tonight to stay for a few days with his gf until their apartment opens up. Apparently they have one on hold at a low income place. Ok a week ago I said NOOOOOOOO, but last night the two of them spent the night in their truck so now I am softened. They're not here yet.... I will srite more on my blog later this week on how I am tuning out and not getting angry or emotional. ZEN.
I am glad to hear your story and how you are dealing. It is NOOOT easy to raise another woman's spawn. It's damn hard, so having tools is so good. I can only imagine your sil sitting in her room listening. Actually my own bs17 does that here and he always tells me that I work too hard, do too much and no one is grateful. My two kids always say thankyou and help out all the time, ss15 only lifts his pinky if I tell him too or I'll charge him for my services. lol
Ahhh stepmotherhood.... gotta love it.
Yes sterlingsilver, I have to
Yes sterlingsilver, I have to listen to tapes and read calming books at least once a day to keep from knocking SS11 out with my 9 iron. But seriously, over the past few months I've learned some tough lessons about my response to him and how to just let it go. The Tolle approach is that you have no problems only situations. If you don't like your situation you have to do your best to change it. Also, living in the now means not holding on to the past or thinking about the future because you take away from the present (all you have). I didn't get that until I found myself lecturing SS11 for like 20 minutes while my baby and BS2 were hanging around needing me and I was ignoring them. It's a waste of time to engage with SS11 when I could be enjoying my life.
I did read your post about your husband going through chemo. That is so hard. Hopefully you can ignore your SS and his pregnant gf while they are around and just focus on your husband. Maybe if you just put all your effort into him and let them just be the losers that they are, they'll step up and help. If not, oh well, they don't matter. There is a flow in the universe and you giving up your space to these two will hopefully create abundance for you.
Thankyou constantly, I needed
Thankyou constantly, I needed to hear your words. I know, I come on here alot and whine, and hate that I am so emotionally invested in my skids. I have been learning to disengage from ss15 and even from the sdog! IE, right now dog is at my feet but hasn't eaten all day. SS15 was here all day and right now dh is here but they're expecting me to feed and water THEIR animal (I have told them I am not doing the feeding, bathing or cutting hair anymore). I poured myself a glass of my fav wine and ate my supper right here in front of the dog with no guilt.
Not my dog, not my problem. Not my kids, not my problems. I chant that alot lately!!
This morning ss15 had nothing to wear to his friends and asked me to wash his clothes and I told him NO. He actually got a load going all on his own. Forgot the soap so I did sneak some in just b/c I know I WANT HIM TO SMELL GOOD and he DID put the effort into doing something for himself!
Actually I am finding that the less emotion I put into them (skids, sdog) the less I am irratated and the more they respect me. Yuppers!!
OMG this had me laughing.
OMG this had me laughing. Poor dog, BUT you do what you got to do.
I have to say I loved this
I have to say I loved this post. I come here to vent even if it's not replied to, I feel better. Because, I put my feelings out there in a permanent way, it makes my feelings real and acknowledged even if only by me. I am glad you have found that same kind of peace and ESPECIALLY glad that you and dh are more on the same page. That's a load off in itself. I do hope you continue on your journey
good luck and best wishes