Caitlin's Blog
Amazing the difference when you take BM out of the equation!
I don't have a whole lot to report from tonight's family based therapy session because I haven't discussed it in any detail with my fiance yet, but he is very happy to report that the meeting was hugely successful. He said that SD was her usual loving self with him and they talked at length... until BM was called into the session. As soon as she entered the room, SD reverted back to last week's strange behavior, ie not talking, sharing repeated glances with her mother, looking very uncomfortable. I'm just glad the therapists are witnessing this.
Trying to focus on the positive
Ok, so SD is having a nervous breakdown and refusing to speak to or see her dad and BM is keeping her holed up in their apartment, not going to school, not going to her extracurricular activities, just wallowing in the dark and freaking out and staying up till all hours of the night together, but instead of despairing I am going to focus on the good things going on.
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Family therapy did not go so well last night
Long story as short as possible, SD refused to speak at the Family Based therapy appointment last night and was sullen and withdrawn and when she wasn't staring at the floor, she was sharing lots of looks with BM and then glaring at BF. After BF talked a little about how he wasn't happy that BM hadn't informed him of SD's anxiety attacks and resulting 2 days out of school the other week, one of the therapists asked if SD wanted to talk now. SD and BM had another spate of looks and the therapist asked if SD should maybe express her own thoughts and not look to her mom for hers.
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Did I say the wrong thing?
Over the weekend, SD brought up her birthday, which is coming up in 2 months. I was very proud of her for a) bringing it up with us at all and b) bringing it up so far in advance because up until now the way things have worked is that BM and SD discuss something and BM presents what they decided, thus either running our household from afar or making us out to be the villains when we can't or won't go by what they're demanding of us.
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After a month of BM cancelling therapy appointments, they finally met last night (LONG)
Yes, BM has been avoiding therapy ever since last month when the Family Based Therapy team said that they wanted to start meeting with BM, BF and SD all together. She said that SD's schedule was just "really busy". The therapists just think BM's avoiding facing the music. They met at the FBT office instead of in the home. I guess they want it to be on neutral territory from now on? Here's a brief (ok, long!) synopsis from BF.
It's been a while
This month has been super busy for me so I haven't been able to keep up with StepTalk at all and I miss you guys! Thanks to all who have sent me private messages, it just warms my heart to know you're thinking of me. You are also in my thoughts, especially on Mother's Day.
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More of BM's unilateral decisions
Ok, I just need to whine a little because I always get the shaft because of BM's decisions which affect MY family. My fiance and I are so sick of her not consulting him, making a decision and then sharing it with him at the last possible second, thus making us scramble to accomodate what she dictates.
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Family Based Therapy update
So, they didn't meet last week because BM had been on vacation, and even though she got back on Wednesday in plenty of time for their weekly Thursday 6:00pm appointment, she wouldn't return any phone calls to confirm her availability so they cancelled that week. This week, BM made everyone meet in the lobby of her apartment building instead of going up to her apartment, saying that her father had taken over both of their apartments for tax time. Ok...? She was dressed to the nines like America's Next Top Model - makeup, hair, fancy clothes.
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Attempt at coparenting or...?
Ok, here's a first. Tonight, BF went to see SD for their weekly Daddy/Daughter dinner and BM made what we suspect to be an attempt at coparenting. We think. She's never done anything like this before so we're suspicious. I guess it's a step in the right direction anyway - maybe family based therapy is working? I have found that every step forward like this is followed very quickly by several steps back, though. We'll see!
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How would you handle this?
My fiance has been leaving voicemails for BM every day for a week (Wednesday through Tuesday) on her cell phone and he has a little trick where he puts a confirmation receipt on the messages so he knows if and when she listens to them. (Hooray Verizon Wireless!) As you may remember, BM whisked SD away on vacation and was very elusive as to where they were and when they were leaving and coming back so he's not sure when he'll be seeing SD next.
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