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Biomomof2's Blog

Loaning money

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So DH and I have created a new budget. I get CS for my child so we budgeted a certain amount for them for things like school pictures, clothes stuff above what we would normally buy like shampoo and stuff. Anything extra comes out of the budget .. For example a pair of boats because DD likes boots during the winter.. Would come out of her extra monthly allowance.


Biomomof2's picture

Most of what is dealt with on this board is crazy BMs. DH and I deal with my ex. BF has done all the crazy stuff if the worse BMs on here. Watching posts the last couple of weeks about crazy BM behavior made me remember one of the many crazy things BF did. We started dating when I was 20. Married right after my 21st birthday. He was 10 yrs old. Counselor has told me I gave the perfect time line for an abuser.
Started dating at 20
He's 10 yrs older (I was young)
Married 8 months later right after my 21 birthday
I was pregnant at 22 with DD

Other peoples children

Biomomof2's picture

I have read many posts on here about childless SMs and how annoying kids are. To all you SMS out there that feel this way let me tell you....
I have TWO bios. Since they were old enough I taught them "store behavior". It is the best behavior possible I would tell them no one wants to deal with other peoples annoy kids at the store, going out to dinner... What have you. I am NOT going to unleash brats on the world.

Of course it's my fault!!

Biomomof2's picture

So SD25 called me the other day. Her and I have an amazing relationship. She introduces me as mom. Lived with is for about 1 1/2 years. We would get in arguments. Get all pissy with each other... And then normally she would come up to me later and ask if she can get me coffee. Coffee is my weakness. Then we would talk it out and get over it. I have a real relationship with SD25. I can't say I love her as my own kid but I do love her as family, as much as I love my nephew.
Anyways.. That is just back story on our relationship.

My ex is an idiot

Biomomof2's picture

Ok so quick run down.... Back when ex dragged my divorce out 22 months I asked for court order phone times because he called ALL the time. Seriously...41 times in 2 days. I got the court order and he can't call me.. The kids make the call. It's twice a week between an half an hour time period

Am I wrong for feeling this way??

Biomomof2's picture

I have had a couple replies here that have made me question how I feel.
Am I wrong for feeling like DH is being used?
Am I wrong for being upset that DH buys SGD everything when she doesn't respect him?
Even DH will tell you SD and SGD don't respect him and he wonders if either one are capable of love. But yet he feels like he is all they have. He wants to be nice, he wants to take care of them...


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Please check comments. I have been trying for 2 days to post. PMed Dawn, no reply. Got one blog to post but only had 10 blahs in the OP titles trying to post. I was able to post my blog as a comment but it doesn't look like anything real is posted and I do need help learning to LET it go!!!!
