Biomomof2's Blog
Warning to all
My marriage is over. It was never the greatest. I was never a priority. I have learned one major lesson. If someone is obsessed with their kid (no matter what the relationship tie really is) there is no changing that. The relationship is not too close because they lived alone and worked as a team. It won't take time. Anyone that tries to make it normal will become the enemy.
I lived alone with my kids. They were never "my team members" I did not speak of them as "we".
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Well. That's it.
Tried to talked to DH about his behavior with DD and SGD. It became a list of everything he doesn't like about me. I'm controlling, I don't let him do anything blah blah blah
It ended with me telling him to never speak to my child the way he did. He responded with fine I just won't say anything ever. Told him it sounds good to me.
He is very well aware... Plan is he doesn't move with me for new job.
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Wow. Just wow
I realize DH is just pissing me off.
We have an arrangement.. I wash, dry and fold. He puts away. Magically, all of his is put away and my is still in the basket.
DS and I start getting leaves raked up in back yard. Massive rain lately and the leaves are plastered to the ground. Filled up the bin. Will be finishing after bin is picked up Monday. I come in, BS is putting the bin away. DH goes out there to tell BS what to do and how and said he would do the bin. I heard BS say, my mom told me to, so I'm finishing up. Normally Bs just comes to ask, but I was really clear.
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Advice please
Last night I wasn't able to hear advice. I was just hurt and sad.
Today, I ask those that read the posts... What should I do?!?!?
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The things DH says.
"You would do the same things if I had a kid you actually liked"!!!!! My response was you mean if you had a kid that treated me and you with any respect, didn't try to tear apart our marriage, hurt me, my kids or my pets. And you do. It your actual kid. And I do do a lot for her, but I don't treat her better then I treat you. "DH... Well you would if she was 11 ."
Actual WTF?!?!!
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How can I be soooooo wrong?!?!
Does anyone else ever look at DH and ask themselves how they ever saw them differently??? How could I have been soooo wrong on who he is??
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this is LONG. I have a very heavy weight tonight.
Please. Just this post, don't be assholes. I'm actually really struggling. I have had it made very clear to me the last 3 weeks how little I matter. DH has broken more agreements then I can count. He has not left our bed for the last week and a half except to go to SDs. He has shown me where on fall in importantance for Christmas. I get very little from him through out the year. Like maybe 4-5 things. Thousands have been spent on others to show them how much he loves them. Other people get time spent on him looking for presents. I get "oh, she likes this team I'll buy her this.
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O/T .. Are boxers underware???
Quick servey.... Are boxers underware??? Is it inappropriate for a married man to buy a married woman who is not his wife boxers for Christmas?? Even pick them out because this woman loves this movie that is on the boxers?? Buys these before he gets his wife's present?!?!
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THIS is what I was talking about
BS attends a Charter school. It is homeschool based with classes available at the center. They are pretty new so still figuring stuff out. Tonight was the first ever family holiday movie night. He has been looking forward to it for a month. It was 6pm-830pm.
CO has kids call BF between 7-730pm on Tuesday and Thursday
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CO phone calls. I hate them (sorry this got long)
Ok. So in my court order my bios call me at 7pm on Saturday while at BF. I don't keep them on the phone long. Both have told the therapist it is hard to talk at dads because he always will guilt them after if they so much as say they miss me. It turns into oh, so you would rather be with your mom? Guess you don't love dad. Blah blah blah. So I just check in with them. Tell them I love them and will see them Monday. I always include try to enjoy your time with dad. And I'm off the phone. There is no need to drag it out.
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