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Anon2009's Blog

Pictures of BM in homes that don't belong to us

Anon2009's picture

Reznov's blog got me to thinking about this.

I know my mil has pictures of the BM in her home. However, I'm not going to ask her to take them down, and neither will DH. Why? Because it's not our home, and we don't want anyone asking us to take pictures down in our home, so why do it to someone else? It would make us look controlling in her eyes. If it were done to us, it'd make us feel like someone was attempting to control and micromanage us. I don't want to feel that way so why do it to someone else?

Misdirecting anger and other ramblings

Anon2009's picture

I think that many of us here can say that BMs are crappy parents, and our SOs/DHs weren't/aren't much better.

I think most of us can also say our stepkids are very angry people, and often misdirect their anger at us.

Sometimes I think we SPs do the same thing- hate on/feel anger toward the stepkids, when the reality is that even if they "know better," they are being very poorly parented and won't have any incentive to change unless mom and dad start calling the shots and changing how the game is played. And when I say "stepkids" I'm talking about kids under 18.

Visitation middle ground for skids and SMs- please show this to your DHs/SOs- applies for those with Adult SKs and SGKs too

Anon2009's picture

What got me to thinking about that is an op's comment about how she has to fight for her kids to get any attention from Dad when skids are there.

How do you help SKs who know their mother doesn't want them?

Anon2009's picture

I want to say, SDs have known this for years, but this stuff always weighs down on kids hard and manifests itself differently in each kid. They are also coping much better with this and issues of abuse they've dealt with, because they've realized their dad will be there for them through thick and thin, and always love them very deeply no matter how badly they screw up. They also have a wonderful therapist, and I've become a lot closer with them too. It kills me to see them in pain like this.

Dr. Phil's show today...

Anon2009's picture

I thought you'd find this interesting as it's about a dad who has strained relationships with his kids from his first marriage, who claim he's a deadbeat dad. His ex-wife (their mom) and wife (their stepmom) were also on the show. Check out the section where the website talks about the SM, and the exchanges she had with his kids. One of the kids told her to "shut up," and she said, "Don't speak to me like that, young lady."
