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Teenage Twin SS & SD

Annap's picture

Sad I am a 31 year old SM with no biological children my partner is 53, we have been together for 5 years and it has been 6.5 years since his wife passed away of cancer. In the early days of our relationship there were no issues with the new family dynamics but over the last 8 months or so things have drastically changed. My partner also has a 21 year old daughter. I found around the anniversary of the BM death my SS has changed the way he treats me. It started with him taking my car with no permission and not a real apology for his actions. From here our relationship has deteriated. I will be the first to say that I am not very materinal and come from a family where it is very old school, no hugging or show of emotions etc. He has called me heartless and a bitch. I have never mistreated the SC and go out of my way to make sure they have what they need. I am not the cause of the BM death, but get treated like I am the reason for it. Has anyone encounter anything similar and have any ideas on how we can get out family back on track so I am not such an emotional wreck ?


mcnat's picture

from my personal experience step children always blame the step parent whenever ANYTHING goes wrong. How old is your SS? You might want to consider family counseling if you can get your husband and step children to agree to it. Losing a loved one is always hard and there is a chance that your SS is directing his rage about his mother's death at you. It sucks, but that's how it goes most of the time. Hope this helps...

Annap's picture

Thanks for your input, family counciling is something we are considering as it's starting to effect the relationship of my partner and me. Smile