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SD sneaking out

alieigh21's picture

A few weeks ago BS had come for dinner and was in the living room studying. DH and I had gone to bed. SD was grounded and had as usual spent most of the night hiding in her room, ignoring us and claiming we exclude her.

BS tells me later in the week that SD had went out after we went to bed. Apparently SD came downstairs and was surprised to find BS there. She asked him for a favor and said she was having a really bad night and just needed to get out for a little while. She asked if he was going to tell on her if she went out for a while. He said something to the effect of it's not his job to baby sit and she took that to mean he wouldn't tell so she left.

He didn't want me to tell DH it happened or SD that I knew. He's mature enough to realize SD sneaking out could lead to big problems but not quite to the point where he is ready to own up to telling.

Of course I couldn't keep it from DH. If SD is sneaking out he needs to know. DH agreed not to confront SD and watch for other signs. I'm thinking this is most likely something that has been going on for a while. I'm thinking about having an alarm with cameras installed. We've already considered it but didn't think that was needed.


DaizyDuke's picture

Was she there in the morning? Where the hell is she going? Boyfriends? bar? How old is this girl?

alieigh21's picture

She was there in the morning but I have no idea where she went or what time she came home. BS didn't spend the night and I'm not sure what time he left since he was trying not to disturb us.

She's 18 but still in high school. DH is pretty strict with curfews etc because SD has a history of not getting up and going to school. He's gotten to the point where he just wants to get her past graduation and let her move out. She thinks she is ready to have her own apartment. She has no drivers license, no car, and no bank account so I'm sure that will go over well.

alieigh21's picture

She is still in high school. She has a job. DH is working with her on her license. The car is up to her to figure out. She is barely graduating from high school. Mostly due to skipping (the reason she was grounded). She says she wants to have a year on her own and then go to college. She can move out anytime she wants but until she figures out how to take care of her responsibilities she is bound by the rules of the house.

When my kids were able to manage their own schedules they stopped having curfews and had courtesy rules instead. DH is stricter than I am, mainly because she's never proven she can be trusted to manager her own responsibilities. I'm inclined to support his decisions unless they are extreme.