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O/T I literaly showed my ass!

Accordn2L's picture

Yesterday was just such a shitty day with the skid and SO but I woke up this morning and said to myself, "Accordn2L, today will be a better day!" So I even wore this cute little skirt to work, dress pretty, feel pretty. So I walked all the way across the parking lot, said hello to some of the crew members who were outside, came on into my office and put my stuff down. I went to put my file cabinet key into the pocket of my skirt and felt my skirt come out of my underwear! So I walked across the parking lot and literally SHOWED MY ASS and no one said a word! OMG hahahahahah Happy Tuesday!


zerostepdrama's picture

LOL well now you are starting your day off with a laugh!

I have done that too. Well I put my laptop bag on my shoulder and kind of lifted it, it has pulled my skirt up. Didnt realize it until I felt the a.c. in the office hit my ass.


Accordn2L's picture

I am the youngest woman in my office and have worked so hard to prove that I deserve this job. The crews in the back total about 250 men. And I just walked up with my ass hanging out. I'm embarrassed but also died laughing too when I realized what I did. I guess sometimes it doesn't matter how professional you try to be shit happens hahaha

JustAgirl42's picture


JustAgirl42's picture

I would have been mortified because my ass isn't in as great of shape right now as it normally is!!! (Which is why I also kinda dread going to the beach next weeK! Sad ).

Accordn2L's picture

Well I've been walking at night and going to the pool and swimming so hopefully it didn't look too bad HAHAHA. And thank goodness no toilet paper was involved as mentioned above hahahaha.

DaizyDuke's picture

HAHA! I would have been mortified!

One time years ago, ExH and I were at a restaurant sitting at the bar, waiting for a table. He went to the bathroom and while he was gone, an older woman came out of the bathroom with the back of her dress tucked into her pantyhose! I remember just sitting there trying to register what I just saw as I watched her walk back into the dining area.. thank GOD she was sitting at the first table, FACING all the other tables, so I don't think anybody saw her but me. I was hoping that when she sat down, she would notice her fashion disaster... but NOPE! So I kept watching and saw them get up to leave, I just couldn't let her do the walk of shame through the whole damn restaurant, so I ran over and whispered to her to fix her skirt. She was like "OH DEAR!!! Thank you so much for telling me!!!"

geesh, I would WANT someone to tell me!!

Drac0's picture

Do you work for my firm? I think there's an unwritten rule that men never bring wardrobe malfunctions to the attention of the lady sporting them.

If it ain't work related, say nothing.

I used to work in a place where there was a woman who wore skirts and no underwear. The reason why we knew is because if she walked up the stairwell and you were on the otherside walking down, you got a clear view. Rather than tell this lady that she should wear underwear, they renovated the stairwell.

Accordn2L's picture

HAHAHAAH! Look if I have a booger hanging out of my nose, my skirt is jacked up in my underwear, I have a zit, PLEASE be my friend and tell me! I won't kill the messenger I swear.

Drac0's picture

I'm trying to find a series of videos that feature life in a typical "cubical farm" office environment. One video shows a woman talking to a guy but one of her blouse buttons is undone so the guy is getting a clear view of "side boob". You can tell that the guy's attention is half on her talking and half on the "side boob". He wants to tell her about it but doesn't know how! It's hilarious!

I think it's called "Disgruntled Employees" or something like that...

thinkthrice's picture

When I was a kid, around 8 yrs old or so, we had to do regular "sermonettes" about once or twice a year. My father was always on about "finishing school" and sitting like a lady. We all wore dresses and skirts back then. The men stood up at the pulpit and the women did their lectures sitting down at a table with a fellow female church goer.

So I get up in front of all the church members to give my sermonette. The table was too far away for me to put my notes and books on. So I crossed my legs "daddy style" with one ankle over the other knee.

Needless to say I got blasted when I got off the stage and there were several comments about my self made "table."

DaizyDuke's picture

oh I forgot this GUY fashion malfunction story !!! A few years ago, one of my friends at work was telling me how her boss (also a female and actually second in command female!) mentioned to her that she followed the Personnel Director up the stairs that morning and he had a bad case of static cling and a rather large pair of women's white granny panties sticking to the back of his suit jacket. My friend asked her boss if she told him about the panties and she said NO! that she didn't want to embarrass him! LOL, my friend was appalled that her boss let him walk around the building like that for who knows how long, but dang, just picturing it was hilarious! I laughed for days!

Yosemite's picture

One year at the office Christmas party, a co-worker stepped on my long skirt on the dance floor and it got stuck on her heel. Neither of us realized it until I moved away and my skirt slid down.
Thankfully I was wearing spanx so no one saw my actual ass, but verrrrry embarrassing! Needless to say I only wear dresses to the Christmas party now, no skirts, lol.