greyskies's Blog
Transactional relationships
Hey, y'all --
Just love to pop on here and float my ruminating thoughts around.
I was thinking, how many of us feel a general disgust in even neutral/casual conversations with SKids? Do you ever notice everyone they chat with, Bios included, the whole conversation is transactional?
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Tigers don’t change their stripes
I really have had it dawn on me that our SKs are most likely already out the womb who they are. Research and experience implies such as well. Yes, the good old nature vs nurture. Both are important and contributory. Of course, certain circumstances and environments can further shape a person, but what differentiates the twin study where one twin grew up to become a millionaire, successful with a loving family, and the other an impoverished drug addict following in his father's footsteps.
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Alas, we now have security cameras
Had enough of the he-said-she-said.
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I Don’t Care: a Big Win
It has come to my attention today, in this moment, StepFolks, that I really have truly reached the ultimate IDGAF-about-SK level. I have been struggling with this for months, ripping my heart out and clawing at my head disgruntled. OMG. It really dawned on me that I just do not GAF!!! It's incredibly difficult for someone like me (like most of us...) to NOT care. But OMG a big weight has lifted off. I really feel quite free and liberated.
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How do you learn to just not care about SKs opinions of you?
I've gotten better than when I first arrived on scene, but I still have these days where I'm reminded that I'm viewed in a crap way by SKs when they ruined their own relationships with me. Honestly, at one point or another, every single person they meet or befriend gets put down.... so maybe someone else is the common denominator.... but How do you just not care when someone thinks so vitrolly of you?
SD missed her bus, thinks it’s bus’ fault
My partner has recently decided to stop helping monitor the SK time so they don't miss their bus. They have clocks, SD has a watch and alarm goes off over an hour before bus arrives, it's too taxing to read an analog clock for them, (not sure why it matters when our oven and microwave literally provide the numerical time stamp) blah blah....
So today SS barely missed the bus. He was too busy messing around to give a crap til minute of. But he made it.
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Why do we all share the same universal experience??
Question nagging at me all morning is...
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Long time, no see … Update on changing dynamics
Hello, ST community...
It's been a while since I've been here. After a long and painful last few months, so much has happened!!!
First... partner and I have been working together to drop the guilt (particularly my partner) and do what's gotta be done. This has been a success, but ultimately we cannot control what kids do. They are still little people and make choices in their behaviors and actions. That being said, this whirlwind of a last few months has gained us SO much insight...
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SKs took my partner's engagement ring box and destroyed it
Today's been hectic, my partner just got home and told me she accidentally broke her phone. She's really busy right now trying to set the new one up and do the transferring of contacts and whatnot. SKs were brushing their teeth, and I overheard SS10 murmur to SD13, "Do you have it? The box." I have outstanding peripheral vision, so I noticed a white ring box that seemed strikingly similar to the one I gave my partner. They both had walked out of their rooms for a second, so I peered in. Yep, there is was.
SS10 tried running away today
My partner went to go pick up SS10 at school this afternoon, and after about an hour of her being gone, I texted her to see what was up and if everything was alright. School is only half a mile from home. She told me that the staff was looking around for SS and couldn't find him. I texted back if I could do anything to help and did not hear back. She pulled into the driveway about 5 minutes later with him and SD13.
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