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greyskies's Blog

When people show you who they are, believe them

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I think this should be a new mantra we ST'ers keep at the forefront of our interactions with HCBPs, SKs, DH/DWs, even down to friends, etc.  I once read that you are what you consistently do.  So, of course, toss out the outlier days or moments, but pay attention to what is consistent, and you'll never be disappointed or surprised.  As they say, a tiger cannot change its stripes, by and large.  However, I do think in many circumstances, if a person's willingness and desire for change is there, they can and absolutely will make strides - no matter who you are, where you come from, or what yo

The power of being an outcast

greyskies's picture

This has been a long-time thing now with SD13 ignoring me in the house.  Going OUT of her way to.  This morning, when she was getting ready for school and eating breakfast, she turned herself in the chair the complete opposite way, back facing me.  She rotated chairs to do it a few times, just in different chairs, at different angles.  Been disenganged slowly over time, but more rapidly recently, and I think she's just angry she can't pick a fight with me.  I'm nonchalant.  I've taken away her power.  She's one of those silent plotters.  You know the person outwardly expresses angst and hat

Asking SD13 to not be a bad person causes her distress

greyskies's picture

Every time my partner and I address, correct, and punish poor behavior (stealing, walking onto other people's property, taking off disappearing without telling us in public, being obsessed with death/gore/violence, breaking things, touching things that don't belong to her, cleaning up after herself, helping out around the house, bumping into people, hygiene, insert anything common to troublesome SKs on this site), SD gets enraged.  She'll slap herself, stomp around, scream out.  Everything is a dramatic performance with her.  We just don't even entertain it any mor
