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Another chapter in life after Auntie

Merry's picture

Another discovery related to Auntie's passing two years ago.

We all loved her. DH suggested that the family (which doesn't include me, remember) establish a memorial of some sort. Great idea, oh Yes, Daddy. We want everybody to always remember Auntie. Please Daddy. We'll support it and help. (All lies. Waste of breath.)

Auntie worked in higher education, as did DH. So we trotted off to the local college to establish a scholarship in her name. We recently got a report showing that contributions to the scholarship have come almost 100% from DH and me. And DH knows that most of that came from MY money earned from a side gig.

Im happy to add my money to a big pot of contributions. I am not happy to fund the whole damn thing. And we're only about 25% of the way to goal. Everybody's "forgotten" by now and skids aren't talking to him anyway.

From here, DH can figure out how to fulfill the obligation--I'm done being the sole donor. And once again I feel so used and unappreciated and duped. 


CLove's picture

Im glad you walked away from that obligation.