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BM’s Pyrrhic Victory

Toaster's picture

In another post, MorningMia wrote: DH eventually began to see his kids for who and what they are and finally accepted that they would never have the relationships he expected. He said in a sarcastic tone (as if, "big deal"), "She (BM) WON!" lol. 

A Pyrrhic victory is one that is achieved at a great cost, resulting in significant losses for the victor and making the victory unworthy. Our not-so-beloved Crazy BM has a habit of winning Pyrrhic victories.


Feeling pretty low about Thanksgiving

sarahSh's picture

For the past 8 years, every holiday was affected by the fact that SS was being kept from us. It definitely put my DH in a funk and it affected me as a result as well.

Now SS is back with us but not under the circumstances we'd hoped. So the general feeling in the air is of disappointment again.

I'm just taking our kids to my parents for the holiday. DH will be staying behind so SS doesn't do anything stupid.

Congrats BM, you have definitely won. There is a special place in hell for parents who do parental alienation. Nothing but destruction is left in it's wake.
