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SS 7 and the drawings of his families....

StepG's picture

SS has been very open lately about his mom and the things she says about us and how she treats him when it comes to us. SS has been very DAD DAD DAD lately. So far up dad's butt I only have his toes to love on. That is OK with me. I know SS loves me with all he has. He needs that Dad time anyway.

So here is the meat of the post. Friday's I work from home. SS was with us all last week for his last weekly summer visit. I was working on my laptop on the couch and he was sitting on the foot stool at the coffee table with his drawing pad and art box. He was talking to me about what he was drawing and would tell me every 3 or 4 minutes that he loved me and he loved his dad. He is a VERY VERY loving child. So I said hey why don't you draw me a picture of our family the way you see it. He said you mean like draw us and I said yeah draw us the way you see it. So he drew his dad, myself, and himself. He drew his dad's go-tee(not sure of spelling) on his, drew me in a skirt, and drew himself with a spike hair-do like I fix him in. He put LOVE then our last name at the to and then drew hearts over each of our heads and lines connecting the hearts. In the picture we were all holding hands. The picture was a nice big picture it took him about 30 minutes to do it. When he showed it to me he said look there's my spikes and your skirts and look at dad's face and he pointed us all holding hands. I asked him what the hearts and lines meant and he said that means that we all love each other so much. So I said wow I really love that picture. So then I said why don't you draw me a family picture of you, your mom, your brother and them. So happily he said OK and went to work. About 10 minutes later he said done and I said OK let's see. When he showed it to me right away I saw that there were 2 very important family members missing. I said OK tell me about it. He said that is XXX(his mom's BF) and that is my mom and that is XXX XXX XXX (his mom's BF's 3 girls) No detail was given to any of the people he drew and they were very small. He pointed out that his mom and her BF were not holding hands cause they did not do that and he only put hearts and lines about the heads of the 3 girls. I said to him well there are 2 people missing here and he said Who? I said you and your little brother. Well I thought he would take the paper back and say oh I forgot but he did not he just looked at me. So I asked him why he left him and his little brother out(little brother his by his mom's BF). SS said I just did not want to put us in there and so I asked why and he said I just didn't. I said you put yourself with me and dad and again he said I just didn't put us there. I said well that is strange and he said I just forgot and then I could see tears well up in his eyes so I said baby tell me why you did not put you and your lil bro in the picture he said I did not want to put us in there cause they are mean and I do not want him around that. So later after he left I was showing his dad the pictures and on the picture of me him and his dad he had drawn his little brother holding his hand and a heart and line above his head.

Needless to say I thought his picture spoke volumes about how he sees things. Am I reading too much into that? Now mind you I am always very encouraging of love your mom be good to your mom you are suppose to love your mom and your dad etc even though she makes him feel like CRAP for even showing signs of liking us.



northernsiren's picture

I don't think you're reading too much into it at all, though I wouldn't try to tell him to fix things in his pictures. Try encouraging him to draw his mom and that side of things "as he would like to see them together" i.e. happy, loving, getting along, whatever, and continue to encourage to talk about the choices he made in the pictures, colors, relational things, sizes, the feelings of those in the pictures, what they're doing, what they just did, what they'll do next...

Art therapy is successful because it allows children and adults alike a new vehicle for communication. There's a wealth of books and literature about it, and it's not all "how to interpret drawings" the main thrust is how to communicate through drawing, and how to talk about drawings. For many, it is easier to talk about a "third person" i.e. the person in the drawing, as opposed to themselves, and it can be an effective way of relating to each other. Just be careful not to correct what he does, b/c you're effectively saying "Say you love your step dad" you shouldn't ever force someone to feel, but you can encourage them to think about their feelings....

Feel free to msg me if you want to know more, my specialization in my psych degree was art therapy....

goingcrazy's picture

of communicating things that otherwise cannot be expressed at that age. If he is drawing a family that does not include him or his brother, I would recommend that your DH start investigating things deeper.

With SD, while in therapy she drew a picture of our house. It was all happy and pretty. She drew a picture of her grandparents / BM house and it was nice too, but not as happy. She went for a visit and then went to therapy again. She drew their house again and it was a black haunted house with monsters. Therapist said that it was sign that something bad happened. A monthlater SD came clean with us and told us that grandfather had molested her. So I know first hand that pictures say a million words

"Having a family is like having a bowling alley installed in your head." ...Martin Mull

anna's picture

and most likely smart enough to also start the "I love being here and I don't want to go home" routine. And then when he's at his mom's it's the same "mom, it's boring at their house I don't want to go" He's so happy at your house right now and all he wants to do is please you. So if he were to draw a more beautiful picture of his other family you might not be happy with him anymore! Same when he's at his mom's house. It's not that he's being vindictive but look at it from his level, he's 7 and all he wants to do is please you. How would drawing a better picture of his other family with him in it over there please you? Beleive me it all starts at this age and you think it's innocent.

StepG's picture

SS is always ready to go to his moms. When he is with us he tells us her loves being at her house and at our house. He speaks openly of his mom and his brother that he loves. She puts such a strain on him about wanting him to feel about his dad the way she does. We always encourage the love with his mom. He no doubt loves his mother and admits it. When he says prayers at night he always thanks God for me and his dad and his mom and his brother then he prays for God to make his mom have a happy heart and to be nicer. H an I have talked to him about telling the truth about each home cause you do not want to get somebody in trouble. Then I asked H if he thinks ss is lying and he said that everything that ss tells us about BM and the fighting he has seen it all from her and it all seems like her norm. So how do you handle the back and forth and the lies about each? We trying to do the right thing and nurture relationship with mom... Help?