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I can't love my SD9

Not_Having_Fun's picture

I can't bring myself to love my SD anymore. I feel I am the adult & SHOULD try harder & all of that but I also feel like something inside me has given up & I can't turn back!

My SD is lazy, filthy, lies a lot, makes up stories, plays off Mummy & Daddy, immature, unappreciative, lacks any kind of initiative, manipulative, selfish, spoiled, expectant, rude & the list goes on. She truly believes the word revolves around her.

We have 50/50 custody of SD. I hate the weeks we have her & dread the last few days of our 'week off' knowing SD is coming. I feel bad & guilty for feeling this way but I can't help it.

I am lucky in the fact SD has always accepted me & there has not been any tension in that regard. In fact she clings to me all day every day, from the moment I am up she is in my face until the moment she goes to bed. She tells me about 100times a day how much she loves me, how good I am to her, how sexy (yes she says sexy!) she thinks I am & how she wishes I was her really Mummy. Then she will proceed to tell me that she wishes Mummy & Daddy had never broken up & how Mummy buys her better things than I do. I don't believe it's innocence, I can see she knows what she is saying. BM & DH have been separated for over 6 years so it is not new either.

I find her clinging really creepy & annoying. I have tried pulling back a little but it doesn't seem to help. I just find myself liking her less & less. The more lies she tells, the more times she doesn't do the most basic of things we have repeatedly asked, the more she asks stupid questions I just get worse.

I don't know what to do. DH knows exactly how I feel & I am glad I can talk openly & honestly with him. I fake it with SD as I can't really bring myself to ignore her but every time I'm faking it grinds on me & I think that makes me feel even worse. I really feel like I've tried very hard with SD with trying to help her to be more active, have better hygiene, not lie etc but feel like I'm up against a brick wall. I decided not to try to help with those things anymore but I do treat her like I would a daughter & ask her to do things, ask her to shower & so on. I just can't stand who she is as a person & I just can't love her.


Aeron's picture

Love is not a "should" emotion. You can't force it. You don't love her. So what? You're kind to her and that's enough. Being the adult in the situation doesn't obligate you to love a kid that's not yours.

It sounds like you've made a decision to disengage, which is probably best. She has two parents that need to step up and teach this child about showering and good health.

I would suggest having a conversation with her about appropriate compliments. That if her mother ever heard her say that SD wishes you were her real mom, it would hurt her mother's feelings, etc. It's not innocent, it's a manipulation attempt. When she says I love you a 100 times, respond with a "that's nice". And then ignore her. It's ok! She'll live, it won't scar her. Tell her to go play or go find her father or go outside but you don't have time right now.

Remember, she will repeat behaviors she gets 'rewarded' for, even if the reward is negative attention. "Fake" it when she's being a good kid and listening or being actually nice. When she's bad, make her father deal with it and Walk Away.

You can't make yourself love someone, no matter how much you try, so let yourself off the hook. It has nothing to do with you being the adult or whatever. You don't love her. That's understandable, that's ok. Don't be so hard on yourself.

Stepcop's picture

I think you have described a common theme with skids, espe vitally sds. I know they all get to that point, especially the more the parents don't work together to keep the child from manipulating both sides. You could easily be describing both my skids, more closely sd13. I did love her at one point, she used to be a good kid. Now she believes she is a victim in EVERY situation (the divorce was about herm kids at school are mean, she as a "boyfriend" at school who was really touchy, so he was abusive, though she admittedly never told him to stop touching her, etc). Hygiene has been an ongoing problem forever with this kid. I would be happy if she brushed her teeth everyday (instead of wasting all the money we are spending on the braces), you are not alone. There are moments I still the I love sd, then she acts an ass again and becomes very mean. After she threatened to hit me, then threatend to put a fork in my eye at the dinner table, then told her dad I didn't deserve to sleep in the bed with him, I should sleep in the care with the dog, slowly my feelings have changed. Everyone around here, counselors include talk bout her abandonment issues (which are imagined, but according to the counselor an issue because she truly believes it, victim much?) there is an expectation I should fill a void for her since she refuses to talk to her mother. Dh understands, I am not here to be a void filler to a kid that s so hateful. It does not make one receptive to caring for a child, when the child treats that person like crap 99.9% of the time.

Cut yourself some slack. Start putting more and more of the responsibility for the Kid on dad. It won't be easy, it's a lot like acing a horrible roommate you can't make move out. Cone here often and vent so the kid doesn't get it.

Not_Having_Fun's picture

Thank you so much for the posts! You have all said some really helpful things & made me realize I can't force myself to love her. I definitely would not like or want to hang around her if I were her age etc, she is the complete opposite of my values & personality. I think kids her age see her bad traits as she has no friends & when she does she soon loses them but as others described says it is something the other girl has done & is constantly coming home with things kids at school have done to her & when gets in trouble (which is far too much) blames everyone else! victim, victim, victim.

I will always be kind to her as much as it annoys me as I believe a child should be shown love & care (all be it fake) however I will also discuss with her on appropriate comments & if I'm not happy with something she has said or done. I guess that's just how it has to be. I think you're right & that the clinginess will stop soon enough when she hits puberty, I look forward to that!

I'm not really sure exactly what disengaging is (but have seen some links to good posts for it & might just check it out). I think I do somewhat as I will leave punishment & reinforcement of rules etc up to DH to parent as I got nowhere with it. I do all the household chores for her & don't think I'd stop that or completely disengage. Is it wrong to only somewhat disengage?

mama_althea's picture

Disengagement has a different definition for each person.

It doesn't bother me to fix a plate for SD or things like that.

I had to disengage from caring what kind of person she is and what she does, if that makes sense. At first I just stopped with anything remotely parent related, like reminding her to brush her teeth, but I still was turning around and reminding FDH to remind her to brush her teeth. Or I would try to explain to FDH about some lie or manipulation she pulled. So I was still going crazy, but just not directly talking to her about these things. I learned I had to stay completely out of it unless something dangerous was about to happen. I learned I had to stop trying to form her into a better person, or even hope for her to change. For awhile that literally meant biting my tongue. I learned I had to let go of being "right" and had to accept that I couldn't fix or change this. This really goes against my personality, so it's been hard. But this is what disengagement had to mean for me. Making a PB&J or helping her put in her earring or buying her an outfit don't bother me the way her being an unpleasant person does.

I didn't have the clinginess you have, just some periodic nosy checking up on me. I'm having a hard time picturing how to smoothly integrate disengagement. Maybe someone else will have had experience with that.