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BM dropping SD off this afternoon & only I will be home

Not_Having_Fun's picture

:sick: I don't want to see BM & have avoided doing so for nearly a year but that's going to be ruined when she drops SD off this afternoon. DH will be at work so it's just me (& my BS 9mths). I cannot stand the woman, she's pathetic, nasty, manipulative, lazy, a liar..... Need I go on?

When DH & I first got together BM said to DH "oohhh she's really skinny". I'm going to use her insecurity & play on it! I feel pathetic but I'm going to do it!! I'm going to make sure I look really nice without looking like I've made an effort. I feel like I'm back in high school again doing this & thinking like this!!!

BM will put on the full fake nicey nicey which will make me want to vomit. I'm not going to play along, short & sweet & shut the door quick. There is a HUGE photo hanging up of me & DH that you see as soon as you open the door, I will ensure she gets a good look at that!! Lol. I'm so silly!!!


Not_Having_Fun's picture

Glad you understand!

As childish as I felt it still felt SO good. Especially when she turned up looking a bit worse for wear :-).

Not_Having_Fun's picture

Went well :-). I scrubbed up ok if I may say so myself & BM turned up looking a little worse for wear! I was glad I made the effort! Still feel a bit immature for doing it but I will do it again Haha!

BM was all nicey, nicey as I predicted. Better than arguing I guess (not that I would do that in front of SD).

Not_Having_Fun's picture

I don't feel so silly now that I know others do it too Smile

I went for the polished 'no effort' look especially as I'm a SAHM, can't really be dressed to the 9's when I'm at home with a bub - bit too obvious! I don't think DH told her it was me she'd be dropping SD off to so I think she was shocked! Made sure the door was wide open with the huge picture of us beaming at her. I know that sounds mean but she's a very nasty person so a taste of her own medicine can't hurt. It was her total wrong doing that caused the dissolve of the marriage & she's less than amicable.

I would say she made no effort or had just dragged herself through the bushes as she really looked quite bad! Helped my mission to look good!!!