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SS actually called on his own!

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SS7 called his dad yesterday about 4:30 and was in great mood and said hey dad I am calling you from mom's phone and was just a talking! That just made H's day. H started asking him how his day was and where did he stay today as his 3 step sisters who keep him were at their mom's. H could tell that SS was trying to OK with his mom that he could tell his dad where he had stayed that day so his mom would not get onto him. Once SS did that BM started yelling you are burning up my minutes get off the phone and so on. SS attitude changed just like that and was OK Dad OK Dad bye Dad bye Dad and hung up. That is just more proof that the way BM acts about H influences the way SS acts. Poor kid it was still nice to hear from him on his own especially after the cops and the fit he threw Friday night. Probably made BM mad to that he wanted to call his dad and that he doesn't hate his dad and loves his dad! I wish that BM would get happy in her life and stop trying to make everyone else unhappy.


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he is only 7. he will be 8 in Sept. I am sorry if I misposted that.

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SS's mom was saying she could not wait till SS was 12 and could say he hated his dad and not have to come.