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BM playing attorney

Smomof3's picture

Our BM has convinced the kids that their opinion in court is so important concerning which parent has custody. She's involved them at a level they should never be involved in and not only is she playing counselor with them, now she's an expert attorney.

We've already met with our attorney and the facts are simple.
The kids opinion only counts for so much, it's a consideration, not a reason.
The burden of proof to say that the circumstance has changed warranting a custody change is on the BM.
She can't get on the docket before school and our judges won't move a kid mid year without a damn good reason.
We have documentation back 3 years showing where the kids went without medication, school help, had behavioral problems etc.
We also have documentation showing that in her care my SD missed 15.5 days of school, went without her medication and had falling grades.
We can show that in our care she was an honor roll student and missed only 3 days of school with no major illnesses.
We can show that the mother is financially unable to care for the children or herself.
We can show that she is bipolar and had some sort of identity disorder.

She's so stupid, why would she even threaten us. Our SS13...his excuse for wanting to live with BM is that DH didn't keep his word. It's not about what we agreed to, it's about the face that it's not a better environment.

I'm ready to choke the ungrateful brats and BM for her poor judgement.

Orange County Ca's picture

Let them go for the full summer. Near the beginning of school let them make their own decision. If they decide to stay tell them they're welcome back anytime BUT they can only come back once. If they return and go back to Mom's then that's where they'll stay. No back and forth where the grass is perceived to be greener this week but not next.

A few weeks at Mom's may not be all they envision it to be and Mom may find it to be a bit more than she thought.

Smomof3's picture

Unfortunately our SD is already on the road to being a burden on society. Our SS is a good kid but is easily swayed and that's what has happened. I honestly don't care if SD goes, because she'll screw up and BM won't want her. SS is a different story. We have him straightened out...when he came to live with us he had some issues that are nwo dealt with.

I guess as a Smom I will never understand why they keep forgiving that crazy woman.

tweetybird74's picture

Once a child reaches the age of 12 they are able to voice what it is they want and why. The judge will take this into consideration for sure. We did this with my SS when he was 12, he went and spoke to the judge and a counsellor appointed by the court. BM kept fighting until the counsellor said "you will not win this". We also had 10 years worth of BM being a fall down parent so that helped quite a bit. Just make sure you have all your documentation as to why it is living with BM is not good for the skid and hopefully the judge will side with you?

Smomof3's picture

Luckily she'll never get the money together to go to court. If she does, we're well documented. Also, our judges are very conservative which she isn't. They also consider the kids opinion but it is never their deciding factor. They believe that children shouldn't be allowed to voice an opinion over their parents unless abuse is involved.