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She said she still loves my DH

TheSaneOne's picture

I found it on the internet. She said she had to divorce because he was violent (Thats her excuse for both her ex (my dh) and her current husband she is divorcing. My husband is far from violent. He's a big teddy bear.
But yet this same woman called me for insurance information then proceeded to tell me how bad she hates being back home and all this other stuff, wanting to be my friend. It took everything I had in me to not tell her to F Off!!!

I got her off the phone when I asked how my SD was doing after I pottied trained her last week.

Vent over, I can't stand this woman, she makes me sick. If she was still in love with him WHY DOES SHE CONTINUE TO TRY AND TOURTURE HIM!!!!!

How would you deal with this woman? Oh yeah, she's bi-polar/narcassistic too!

(I can't spell tonight, I am on Nyquil)


everythinghappens4areason's picture

I completely understand where you are coming from here....if they claim they still love them, why do they harass and hurt them the way they do with all their tactics? My hubby's ex did not love him anymore-she told him straight out (she was with someone else before they separated 6 yrs ago), however when we met she was ok until he gave me an engagement ring. Then things started to get bad. When we bought a house together, they got worse...but in between that she was trying her best to suck up to him claiming she still loved him and he is the man now that she had always wanted him to be etc. etc. When her claiming her love for him didn't work, things became unbelievable. I believe her mission is to make things so miserable for us that we will separate because we can't handle the stress anymore. I don't believe she wants him back, she just doesn't want him to go on with his life. She thinks because they had children together, she is allowed to control his life. Hubby has FINALLY and I mean FINALLY started paying attention to what she has done over the past 4 years and finally standing up and backing me and believing my gutt feeling on things. Probably because I told him he either stands behind me 100% so we can get our life back together, or I leave. He wants her drama, he can have it all on his own. He thought things out and told me that he would even move out of the province if that is what we needed to establish a life without the stalking/harassment, etc. That would mean him only seeing his kids one a year for holidays, not the EOW he has had since breaking up with her.(I sense things are going to happen before they do and tell him. When they do come true he is in shock).

His ex has a lot of family memebers that have serious mental health issues. I know she does as well. No sane person would behave in this manner. Someone else mentioned that you have to be insane to understand why they do the things they do; I have to agree. I will never understand why anyone would go to these limits to distroy someone and their new family if they were sane. We don't create or interfer in her life, we have no desire too. All we ask for is some peace because our own mental health is being greatly affected by her bs. They say God only gives you what you can handle, but good grief, did he take into account people would have to deal with psycho ex's?? LOL

pissedoffinNC.'s picture

I understand how you feel, my husbands ex wife was trying to get him to divorce me while he was in Iraq!!Telling him that she wanted to be a family with her and their daughter, he told her that he was happy with me and that she had her chance and she messed up. NOw she got mad that she doesnt have control over OUR situation and she got a restraining order because she felt that was the only other way to hurt him. You know what I think it is.. I think they think that its revenge.. you have something that they want now and they cant have it. So somewhere in there psychotic minds they think that you " stole" their ex and take all extremes to make your life a living hell. I agree with Corie up there.. that they will go to any extent to make you two separate because there is nothing more that they would like to see, and the fact that they are pissed that their ex'x have moved on with us and they hate that they dont have a signifigant other that they are either proud of or that they are stable with. Its really sad but its true.

TheSaneOne's picture

I agree. SHe left him for another man she re-united with off the internet. When I met my DH she and her BF were already together. THey got married and were split within three months (This has been about 4 months ago) and she has been through countless others since then. She sees me as standing in her way for my DH to take care of her. She actually told him she thought he would come rescue her when he saw her with another man.

This woman even picked up a stranger she had never met, a man, in MS with the girls to meet us for visitation. She could have picked him up on her way back. I would never put a man I never met in the car with my kids!

She said I am living her life, though mine and DH's life is completely different than theirs was.

pissedoffinNC.'s picture

Some people just cease to amaze me. It almost makes me laught at some of these women and how pathetic they are, and what a horrible example they are to their children.

NaturallyMom's picture

It's almost like a bad Ricky Lake show but sadly, you have to feel bad for the kids because what if they grow up acting like their nutcase mothers (do fathers do this stuff)?

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln

NaturallyMom's picture

There has to come a point when you can say "wow she is truly insane" and know that you are much better than that.
Some people need drama to live you know? So when they have something good, they screw it up so they can have drama. It is totally self perpetuating. Unless she grows up, kicks the bucket, or gets on medication, she will probably continue to cause you grief.
So. Don't let her see how much she gets to you guys. You are better than that! It's sort of gratifying for her because she sees she can get a reaction out of you. She can still feel like she matters in your life. It's a total power trip for these type of people.
Rise above it.

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln

TheSaneOne's picture

I don't, I didn't say a word because then she would know that the guy she is talking too on the internet is me. She tells me her husband has hit them, she posts everything about her life, drug use, sexual escapades, etc. We aren't at the point of contacting DHR but we almost are. We save everything she posts, even the ones where she says DH is loving father, she trust the kids there, oh yeah and the one where she asked her internet "friends" should she let the kids come live with us for a while.
I know it isn't worth the fight, what gets to her is when we ignore her and her little outbursts. SHe didn't call but once the whole 2 weeks we had the kids but the three days since they went home she has contacted and emailed us daily!

NaturallyMom's picture

Oh good for you! Its good to see you are stronger than that and that you are saving up your ammo.
I hope you have your victory one day. Biggrin

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln

TheSaneOne's picture

Thanks Steve - I never initiate the emails. I have done some research on it. I am fortunate enough to work for some great lawyers so the advice, comes free Smile