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So upset with my mom or maybe disappointed,

purpledaisies's picture

my parents were foster parents for a long time and doing so they got close to this little girl. The mom got her back and has had for a long time now however my parents have kept in touch with them and treat her as one of her own kids. The mom moved to our town and lives almost next door to my parents and us. We all live in the same town and down the street from each other expect one of my brothers.

So anyway the mom is just like all the bms on here that we hear about always calling my parents and saying how broke she is and this and that to make them feel sorry for her and they rush out to buy them things. She now has 3 girls and the one that my parents had is the oldest. Mom was telling yesterday how sorry she feels for the oldest b/c she has to share and she gets nothing for herself and blah blah blah.

Mom even told me that the mom said they can't even get a tree let alone anything else for xmas. I looked at my mom and this "mom she CAN have xmas if she would postpone her wedding and the money she spending on that for xmas even to give her kids a xmas!" I was so mad! It is a game to her to see how much they can get mom and dad to pay for! She will purposely send her with no clothes or stuff to get mom to buy her stuff! EVEN MY SISTER called me the other day talking about and she is pissed too b/c they don't have that kind of money!

hell dh and I tell them every year not to get anything for ss's b/c we know they can't afford it. We make sure that my kids don't open their gifts unless ss's are not there but this year I gave mom a list with the boys on it! I know not nice but I am just so upset that they can't see through her bull shit!

Now I get that they are close to this child but at the same time if they only do and buy for one of the 3 kids that is not right! I don't mind them buying them things or presents for bdays and xmas ans such but I am just upset that they are letting this mom milk them for all the crap she can and they are buying right into it!


Madam Hedgehog's picture

My own mom is the same way about the skids. She is convinced that allowing them to treat her like a servant will make up for their "broken home" in some way. Every time she comes over she turns the house into some sort of carnival to make up for the neglect that the boys experience as BMs--where they have every toy imaginable including their own ipods, lap tops, and my personal favorite . . . an indoor bounce house.

It's totally bizarre.

I think she also has ss2 confused with my younger brother in some way. She talks about how much ss2 reminds her of my brother every time she comes to see the kids. She was convinced my brother had developmental delays and emotional problems, and therefore babied the hell out of him to the point that he had no self confidence whatsoever.

I think some people actually have to frame themselves as the "hero" in order to justify caring about others or having a relationship with them. But I definitely sympathize with you. It's really difficult watching fully functioning (supposedly) adults insist on "saving" people who do not need to be saved.

purpledaisies's picture

Yep just like they CAN get a freaking JOB to pay for their OWN kids! Her bf (they are getting married xmas eve) called my dad and asked him how much did they pay for their xmas tree. Dad said 20 bucks (cheap one from dollar store) He in turn said "we can't afford that" trying to get them to buy them one I mean why else would you ask someone how much something is like that??? really? Wouldn't you go to the store and look for yourself??

As I said if they would put their wedding on hold and spend that money on the kids they CAN give the kids a xmas! I did tell my mom that too. I also told mom that I do not feel sorry for at all in fact I am pissed at her for being so selfish as to use all their money on a wedding that they can't afford instead of using to give her kids a xmas!

Mom wanted me to shopping with her and that mom (looking for a dress for mom for her wedding) sat to show her the things that the kids wants b/c I can't remember the name of the thing dd wants but I know the one when I see it lol. I told mom that if I go I will tel her off if she mentions anything about xmas! Mom said that I shouldn't go then! What really?? Now I can't go! GGRRR

Doubletakex3's picture

I had a similar situation but with my aunt & uncle being played as the fools....for 10 years. I tried and tried to tell them but they thought I was heartless. Finally, the BM said she had cancer and my aunt organized a benefit for her (AND gave her $300). A few days later the woman shows up with a brand new pink leather jacket! 10 years later they admit I had been right all along, duh. It's so frustrating to see people you & respect and love get scammed. It sounds like your folks have a huge heart. Hopefully they'll catch on soon.