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Guilty daddy...

hanneyh1's picture

Ok, writing this while it's still fresh. Just got done with a cigarette after getting mad at DH not once, but TWICE already tonight for falling asleep in SD4's room spooning with her. He doesn't even spoon with me anymore! I'm sick of him thinking he can coddle her and this night-time mess will just go away.

Since having him do the bedtime parenting isn't helping my situation much because he still thinks it's ok to cuddle and comfort her when she's screaming bloody murder in the next room. When I was 4 I at least had respect for my parents and would get up quietly to knock on their door if I was scared. I tried telling DH that he has to stop giving in cuz SD will only get worse if he keeps giving her exactly what she wants when she's screaming: attention.

Her first excuse for being up was that she was scared, alright it is Halloween and there were some big kids dressed pretty scary. Fine. But screaming is NOT how to tell us she's scared. Then she started screaming again after I removed my guilty dad and what does he do? Goes right back to lay down with her again! For no reason this time!

Now, don't get me wrong, I understand there are nights where kids get scared or things just go wrong and I'm perfectly ok with that and ready to comfort-when she can learn to be respectful of me and her dad's sleep time... I think that's pretty fair. Not that it would happen instantly either, I know this.

Until then, any ideas for getting DH to understand she's only doing this because she knows he will give in and won't just let her cry it out. I've tried telling him that kids learn best from experience, the same as adults and that it will only take a night or two for her to realize she can't walk all over him. He doesn't see it that way. To him she's still a baby and he doesn't realize how it affects me. Before things can change around here, he has to learn the proper way to handle her manipulative whining... And I can't seem to do that. He won't listen to me when I tell him honestly how stuff makes me feel and is constantly undermining my rules and causing SD to not like me cuz I'm the only parent disciplining her with consistency! I DO NOT WANT THIS! tried disengaging this past couple of days and he took more responsibility for SD but still was giving in to her, like saying ok to more sugar ( after he just let her eat a ton of food) and had said no to her twice.

SD won't learn what no means or learn how to respectfully ask for comfort without waking the whole building unless something gives. And it won't be me. I refuse to let a 4yo run my house and ruin my marriage.


Auteur's picture

I am convinced that "co-sleeping" is the number one sign of "guilty daddy." You have to approach it as being of benefit to the child.

"DH, you want SD to grow up strong and independent, don't you? After all, there will come a time when you will be gone and she'll still be here; let's start a gold star system to help SD become more independent at night."

Believe me I had this fight with GG. He thought I was "cold, evil and mean spirited" because I didn't want his oversized children hopping into bed with us or him going to lie down with them to "help" them go to sleep.

Approach it from an age thing. That you want SD to be at a level with others her age.

Also make it clear that he won't be getting any adult privileges Wink until SD completes successfully her "gold star" program. I also approached it that it isn't good for children's sleep habits to have an adult with them in bed.

Make NO mistake about it, even at FOUR, SD is "marking her territory" basically screaming that daddy is "all hers" and that you as SM should just "go away."

Here's a link:

hanneyh1's picture

Thank you for the great suggestions!!! You have no idea how helpful this is and to know that someone has had this fight before and the relationship survived! I feel tons better already!

sonja's picture

I feel like this post is being taken for something that its not. Its about DH promoting her bad behavior by laying in bed with her.. Im sure hoping that your not suggesting that he is being inappropriate with her cause thats a whole other blog!

Anywho Id tell DH that SD 'has him so fooled' and laugh when your telling him. My SD4 is much smarter than either of us would like to think and is well aware how to make both her parents tick.. thankfully Im smarter than that.

She probably isnt scared, although it is good that we recognize that they can be.. thats probably not the case if she acts this same way everytime. He has got to stop coddling.. it only makes things worse.

I always told my FDH that how ever he puts her to bed.. he will ALWAYS have to put her to bed that way.. doesnt he want any time to himself or with you? It does help that we have BS together and he knows that if you baby them along.. you have to do it every night. If we can lay down a 10month old and he goes to sleep.. WTH cant a 4yr old say nightnights and love yous and turn on the nightlight and lay there till they fall asleep? Totally possible.. but why when you can scream your head off and daddy will come lay with you?!

hanneyh1's picture

Thank you for your post! I didn't want the convo going to the incest talk either!!! And that's a great suggestion to put it to DH... I may even use some of your specific words because you used them so well!

hanneyh1's picture

Ok, back it up here... It is not done in a sexual way by him AT ALL! yes, it may be sexual in nature but he doesn't mean it that way. The nature of spooning to me is slightly sexual and does bug me, but please DO NOT accuse my DH of intentionally spooning with her for the sexual nature. He was comforting her and laid down in her bed with her (because that's what he does when he comforts her... Not just give her a hug and rub her back.) He feels guilty letting her sort her own problems out. That's the issue. Not the spooning...

skylarksms's picture

I don't think anyone on this site is accusing your DH of being a child molester. But there IS a huge element of sexuality in this position.

He may think it is perfectly normal but do that in front of the wrong/right person, and you WILL have CPS called on you!

Why? Because it is INAPPROPRIATE!

Auteur's picture

Exactly! SD is already "marking her territory" and becoming his "mini-wife" or possible "BM do-over"

skylarksms's picture

The big question would be, as someone mentioned above, WOULD HE DO IT WHEN OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS ARE AROUND?

If not, there you go. He realizes that it is inappropriate.

If so, have your mother come over and get HER reaction as to whether or not this is appropriate and/or harmful to the child.

When will it end? Will your SD be 8, 11, 14 and daddy will be spooning with her??

Doubletakex3's picture

My FDH never got in bed with his daughter even when she was scared. He'd sit on the bed, talk her through it, hug her, etc. He said was afraid that if BM heard anything that may sound the least bit suspicious ("Dad lays in bed with me") she'd call CPS (and she would have). He's in dangerous territory, IMHO. I'm NOT suggesting he's intentionally doing anything sexual rather the appearance of the opportunity to do so is an issue. And, yes, I agree that playing the "rescuer" role is not a good precedence to set at all.

hanneyh1's picture

I really appreciate everyones comments! Keep them coming. I am a knowledge sponge and am determined to use every new bit of info in my argument against coddling her tonight...

hanneyh1's picture

Funny enough... I've been feeling less and less like the wife lately... Just thought I'd add that since someone said it and it rang very true in my unconscious mind.

hanneyh1's picture

So, just presented this entire chain to my DH and told him that I wasn't going to sugar coat anything and let him read all of it.

Not sure if that was such a good idea since he didn't say a word to me, went and kissed SD goodnight again, grabbed his jacket and stormed out. He said when I asked what he was doing that he was leaving and that I should be gla right now because he wants to "throw me through a wall"... Ok, yeah he's allowed to be mad. There were some pretty offensive comments (that I cleared up before the end of the thread). But overall it was the best way to expose my true feelings to him in a frank way that can't be held against me because I have tried on countless occasions to express myself to him and let him get my pov. Those other attempts ended with him shrugging me off like I was joking or him getting mad and calling me SD's evil stepmom and/or Hitler...

Should I be worried?