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BM's funeral

maria14's picture

It was BM's funeral this morning. We asked my BIL to ask my SS if he wanted my husband at the funeral. My SS's response was "I don't care". My SIL said that my SS is taking the death very hard and has not been eating properly. He says he is not hungry and is only eating because my SIL is forcing him to. My SIl and BIL may have acted wrongly before but I am very grateful for them throughout all this. They have really helped my SS with everything. Even though my DH wants to help, SS is still angry at him. My DH decided to go to the funeral service. He sat at the back. He met SS, gave him a hug and left. It was the first time he saw his son in weeks. He came home and teared up because my SS looked so sad. I am glad my SS did not react angrily when he saw my DH. But he must have many things on his mind right now. I hope he starts feeling better soon. Sad


karenemoy's picture

Going to the funeral was a good thing. I am sure your SS in some ways appreciated that his father was there.