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Lovemystepkids37's picture

So my DH tells me today that for Christmas my ss12's BM wants him to fly to Illinois... I love Christmas and it is my favorite time of year! Last year was the first year my ss11 at the time was living with us and he had no idea about the holiday and what it was for! For him it was just a payday and it was all about him and he could open his gifts anytime he wanted because they had HIS name on them...Okay I got a little off track...Anyway, I spend the whole month of December decorating with him and making cookies and his dad took him shopping to get everyone a present just from him and he was so excited to wrap them all and put his name on them from 11 years he had never given anyone else a gift! When anyone opened a gift from his eyes would light up when they would get excited and tell him how much they loved it! (everyone was in this so they knew what to do). I was so proud of him! Now we have had him for over a year and he is a normal 12 year old...far cry from the kid that kicked out of school and detentions and kicked off the bus ect....He was supposed to go and visit her spring break and she just could not make the time...she is a hairdresser with a masters in social work who still does not work in Social work just has the degree...Then he was supposed to come this summer and she took a vacation and now has no time for him this summer... So he went back to being a little jerk for a full day until I finally got out of him that he was upset I would not let him play baseball becuase he was supposed to be with her in another state... now he is not going and did not get to play baseball...So of course I had to tell him that he was right and that I was sorry and that next year he would play baseball and I would tell his parents that she needs to find time in HIS Schedule to visit him and not the other way around! But instead he is having to go at Christmas! I hate that everyone is always thinking of themselves and not the kids! And really hate it when she tells my husband that I dont count because I am not his mother!!! I cook for him, clean for him, take him to the dentist after he had not been for 2 friggin years, talk to the school, spend my days with him, do his laundrey, buy his school clothes and school supplies and make sure he has his lunch money and takes a shower and bought him deoderant!!!! I have kids of my own and I am pretty sure these are all things that a MOTHER does!!!!


Lovemystepkids37's picture

Thank you! And it was his choice to move here... He tells me all the time that he loves it here... I just know that no matter what boys love their moms... And I love him like my own so my first instinct is to punch her in the face but I cant do that... I have to be the grown up... And I love the whole H E double hockey sticks! I just love that expression in general LOL

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Ya know something? The kid's mom is a flake, and the odds she's going to get her ass in gear and have him for the winter holiday are pretty low.

Our BM3 just lost custody of her oldest son. He's moving to San Diego. She asked for holidays and summer with him and asked us to let her have SD4 when she has him so they can know each other. I looked at DH and he knew what I was thinking.

"And when will that be? When he'll freezes over? You rarely see him now and he's under an hour away. SD is less of a priority every day too. Yeah right you're going to cut spending and fly your kid here!"

if I were you I wouldn't lose sleep over it. She sounds like a self absorbed twat. I know quite a few of those. They talk a good game, but......