Good problem to have
So this morning I was telling BS the main gift I got for my husband for Christmas. It is a Reggie Jackson Jersey. Reggie is his favorite player of all time. My son starts begging me please can that be from him....because sports is their thing and he is positive it will be more special if it comes from him and not me. They watch and play baseball and football together all the time and now we have added hockey to our mix.
I am very thankful that they have such a good relationship and friendship.....
- Sweet T's blog
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No BS it will not be from you
No BS it will not be from you - think of something you can give DH, either make build or get him something..
it's not the gift it's the thought that counts...
Aww my Polly and numpty love
Aww my Polly and numpty love rugby. For his birthday this year she gave him tickets to a Sprinboks game.
what did he use it for
}:) }:) }:) }:) what did he use it for Mon..... hopefully not wasted his time watching it..
It's a disaster and we decided to rather cheer Prieska o/13 team from now on, they loose less games then the Bokke
Springboks vs Ireland and the
Springboks vs Ireland and the Boks won. Kthnx meanie
pffft so what they only won
pffft so what they only won 5/12 games worst ever they did...
i will stick to prieska 0/13 team thank you they have won 8/12 games the season
The other funny thing is my
The other funny thing is my husband has bought his own gifts for BS already....before anyone else's.
awww that's sweet! i remember
awww that's sweet!
i remember how you sounded talking about your italian stallion when you guys first met. i'm so glad things worked out so well with him and your bs. nice he can have a man like that in his life when your ex is such a douchtard @$$hole.
Aww, that is so nice! My SO
Aww, that is so nice! My SO is buying my BD9 ski gear from him for her birthday this year. It's special because he taught her how to ski last year so this will be her first year with non-rental gear. I don't ski at all, so it's their thing. I'm glad it's important to my SO to do that for her.
Steplife can be crap, but sometimes the little things do work out.