Great. A BB gun.
When I met Demented to pick SS up on Sunday, he opened the car door and put whatever he was holding on the floor in the front seat, then got the rest of his stuff out of her car and put it in mine. We went to the store and then started home (an hour drive.) I look over at him and he's playing with this toy gun. I said, "What's that?" He says, "Oh, it's my new BB gun."
Yes, someone at his birthday party bought him an Airsoft BB pistol.
I told him to quit playing with it and he said, "It's ok - I have the safety on." He put the "magazine" back in and then started waiving it around.
I said, "GIVE ME THAT." and took it away and put it next to my seat, then I stopped the car and put it in the trunk. I said to him, "That's considered a weapon and we can't drive around with a weapon in the car with us. Didn't your mom tell you that?" He said "no."
I know he thinks that I am mad at HIM and that's why I took it away. I am not mad at him - a child can't know what they aren't taught. But, who the hell buys a kid a BB pistol and then lets them just cart it around loaded?? He carried the thing in his lap in the car all the way from her house. What is wrong with her? Apparently, he got it from his former stepfather (StepJerk.) Who buys a kid a BB gun for their birthday without checking with their parents first??
SS does have a BB gun (long barrel) that we bought for him a couple of years ago. At the time, we deliberately decided not to get the Airsoft kind because they look too much like real pistols, plus we didn't want him shooting at people (even if part of a game.) There's nothing wrong with playing the Airsoft game, but an 11 year old needs supervision for pete's sake. Do we think that he had eye protection? Weeelllll.....since they let him ride around with the gun in his lap and didn't seem to teach him anything else about safety - I'm going with NO!!!!
After thinking about it, I have decided that StepJerk bought it and Demented didn't like it but didn't want to stand up to him about it, so she let SS bring it home so Hubby could be the bad guy and take it away.
- panda's blog
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Thats a crappy situation for
Thats a crappy situation for your DH. If BM didn't want SS to have the gun, she should have been the Parent and took it away! I'm so tired of hearing about this "bad guy" shit. It's a part of being a parent, you do things that piss your kids off. (nothing against you, I'm just going on a rant
I agree with you, an 11 year old should not be carring around a bb gun, much less waving it around in the front seat of the car! I would have been upset as well. My DH wants to get our kids BD5 and BS2 and SD9 a .22 rifle..This is still up for debate!! :jawdrop:
When GG gave the skids a BB
When GG gave the skids a BB gun, the three "keystone skids" almost shot their own eyes out with it. (ages 10,8 and 5 at the time) Almost zero supervision by GG. He actually thought they were MATURE enough to handle that and an authentic archery kit. . .HELLO??!! His kids are 4 years behind developmentally in the maturity dept!!
Guess who would have been sued? Yep. Me as property owner. I think half the time the BM WANTS something bad to happen and is waiting in the wings to sue biodad and SM.
And if you take the gun away, you're an ogre as SM. If the BB gun is taken away, SS will be sure to make a play "gun" with his fingers and pretend to shoot you.
Prince Hygiene did this with his bb gun, toy guns and his fingers. I told him to cut it out. You should have seen the "guilty as charged" look that came across his face. . . ahhh memories! And a reminder to myself why I shall NEVER be involved with a man that has children AGAIN!!
NN got SS a BB gun. Next
NN got SS a BB gun. Next thing I knew, there was a BB hole in my stained glass window.
Of course NONE of the kids, step or bio, would confess how in the hell that happened. NN is convinced it is one of the kids from two houses down that did it. *sigh*
The stained glass is one of
The stained glass is one of the things that made me fall in love with the house.
Now when I look at it, all I can see is that BB hole.
I would be heartbroken about
I would be heartbroken about the stained glass window also.
It is gutless of her to make Hubby the "bad" guy, but I don't think that he would be safe with the gun at her house because SS doesn't really listen to her and there isn't any supervision. I think we'll keep the gun here and Hubby can show him how to use it safely and responsibly and maybe take him to play (with safety equipment, etc.) Obviously, we can't expect Demented to teach him that - look how well she has done with the situation so far. :O
Kid brains don't always engage fully at 11. I would hate for him to have it at her house and shoot something or some animal or God forbid - some person. It's frustrating that the other household wouldn't think of these things.