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If BM was NOT nuts!!!

zenjetset's picture

If BM was not a narrcissist nut case life would be much easier. On the days BM is "normal" (whatever that is for her) life is bearable and less stressful. The moment she is "crazy bm" it's impossible to breathe. To be honest, I am having nightly anxiety attacks because of all the BS she pulls.

Why? When she is "normal" life is easier.

BM has been nuts now for the past month!!! It seems that when FDH announced we were closing on a house she lost all sense of reality!!

If bm was not a different would your life be?


zenjetset's picture

Oh my goodness! My FDH and I have laughed sooooo hard over your m&m comment! That's just the best. BM has given me two candles...wonder what that means to her?! lol I gave them away, I didn't want them in my house!

Also, I love your signature! That's very awesome and so true!

Apples's picture

Give her time, she may just need to put it in her "healing" folder.. at some point she will bring it out of the folder, look embarrassingly at it.. and decide that it's time to get over it and move on because she's only torturing herself and stopping her own ability to move on Smile