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looking for some advice on how to deal with add/adhd skid...

txcajunmom's picture

so as i have said before in my blogs..."ss"6 (not dh's bio) has add/adhd. he has a plethera of issues. he takes medication and see's a counselor. bm is a drug addict and is now rehab so that she can try to get her kids back. his bio father has been in and out of prison his entire life. the kid is in his 2nd year of kindergarten. can't spell his own name, 5 letters. does not know his abc's or colors. my 3 year old knows her's and he gets mad when she answers before him when playing flash cards. the child hates me with a passion because i get on to him for doing things he shouldnt or not doing the things he should. he cries constantly, physically fights with kids at school and daycare. he cries all the time. and just yesterday he cried violently becuase i told all the kids to wash their hands before dinner. he looked at me like he did not understand what i was saying, just like he always does when i tell him to do something. he listens to dh but me, no way. that's why i cant always blame the disorder. anyway, i tell him again (nicely mind you, i had no attitude) and he ran off crying. what in the world am i supposed to do with this kid? not talk to him?? lol please any advice is appreciated. thanks


hismineandours's picture

Actually stimulants have the same effect on everyone's brains. It speeds them up. Kids with adhd have slower brain waves than non adhd kids-the "hyperactive" behavior comes into play because they are trying to stay alert. The child needs some therapy-not just for adhd but also all the other issues he is dealing with. I would agree that you are his scapegoat-the best thing that you can give him is a lot of structure, routine, be firm and give consequences in a consistent, caring manner. And your dh needs to be on the same page.