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i really need to vent right now...before i loose it!

txcajunmom's picture

long story short, me and dh (i use that term lightly) honestly jumped into our relationship way to fast. i was young and all about partying and having a good time and he was getting out of his relationship with bm and the children were in custody of the state at the time which he kept from me for a few months and then later dropped the bomb that the youngest one was not his and he was planning on being his dad blah blah blah. by that time i was preg with our daughter. it was really dumb but it is what it is. i completely turned into a maw maw and live for my children. h on the other hand has not grown up and i dont think he ever will. he says he wants the same things in life as i but his actions say different. he was laid off about 3 weeks ago and finally got a job out of town about an hour away about a week ago. during that time we barely spoke. the first night he went out with co workers to a bar. i didnt like it but whatever...we texted here and there but no convos. he did call wed night and talked to our daughter now 3 and i heard him tell her he would call her back after he got out of the shower. never did. i had been texting him all day to let him know that i had to take our son to the hospital for blood work and his results of the dr visit. no response. finally the next morning i called, no answer, i called again and he answered "hey baby" and i respond with "dont call me baby" maybe i'm just being insecure but i mean why would he not want to speak to me every night? maybe he's just tired. so last night he was to drive back home after work. i txt him around 7 pm and asked when to expect him dd3 was excited about him coming home, he replies 30 mins...

2 hours later i call, goes to vm

1 hour later, we are in bed, his brother called loooking for him. i told him he didnt come home. then he calls me back and told me h told him to tell me that he was "clearing his mind" WTF?!

so he had my credit card that is in my name (to rent the hotel) so i cancelled it and cut off his phone. i was pissed!

i checked his phone records, he was txt bm all week numerous times but yet could never quite find the time to contact or respond to me.

he never came home, i get out this morning to go to work and he is in the car sleeping in the parking lot of our apt apparently he was drunk last night. what a freaking genius!

i fianlly speak to him today and he said i'm a man we f up sometimes. and i said no boys f up sometimes real men dont do that crap they come home to their family. he said he didnt want to come in because we would fight. true. but still grow a pair. or dont do what your doing! i am mad that he broke my baby's heart by not coming home last night, that he wont grow up and how he is home now becuase its his weekend with his precious boys :sick: but when he could have come home to see me and our children last night he had better things to do. i told him that and he said i'm a little kid, i need to grow up, i have problems, etc. i dont think i do, i think he is the one with the drinking problem, and the inablility to grow up. i think it is time to leave i am just so pissed right now and i get to go home to him and his freaking bad ass kids. ahhh!!!


young_step_mom's picture

What a douche!! I am so angry for you!! Seriously reading this made me so pissed!!! I'm sorry you are to go through this, some guys just will never learn.